The poisonous fumes from the factory made the people living nearby sick.
The mushroom in the forest is poisonous, so it's better not to eat it.
The bright colors of the frog were beautiful, but it's actually poisonous, so we can't touch it.
The sign warns that this plant is poisonous, and you should avoid touching it.
My brother was bitten by a poisonous snake while he was hiking.
The snake's bite can be poisonous, so it's crucial to seek medical attention immediately.
Poisonous gases are causing air pollution in the city.
Be careful, those berries in the forest are poisonous.
The chemical used to kill insects is highly poisonous and should be handled with caution.
Some mushrooms are poisonous and can be lethal if consumed.
The toxic fumes released from the factory are poisonous and can cause serious health issues.
The plant in the garden is poisonous, so keep your pets away from it.
The chef warned us not to eat the fish as it was poisonous and might result in food poisoning.
The snake in the jungle is known to be very poisonous and can cause death.
It is a common knowledge that eating certain mushrooms can be poisonous, so be careful when picking them.
The venom of a poisonous snake can be deadly, so it is vital to seek medical attention immediately after getting bitten.
The fumes that are released from the factory contain poisonous chemicals that can have a negative impact on the environment and human health.
It is important to be cautious when handling certain plants, as some of them may contain poisonous toxins that could be harmful to humans.
Some species of fungi are poisonous and can cause severe illness or even death if consumed.
The bright colors of the butterfly may look appealing, but they often serve as a warning that the species is poisonous.
Although beautiful, the vibrant leaves of the oleander plant are highly poisonous and can cause severe harm to animals and humans.
The snake's venomous bite injected a poisonous substance that quickly began to affect the victim's nervous system.
The company was forced to recall their product after discovering it contained a poisonous ingredient that could cause serious illness.
The bright colors of the coral reef often indicate poisonous animals waiting to attack unsuspecting prey.
The chef warned us not to eat the mushroom, as it was poisonous and could be fatal.
The media often portrays toxic relationships as romantic, but in reality, they can be poisonous and detrimental to one's mental health.
It is imperative to wear protective gear when handling poisonous chemicals in a laboratory in order to avoid exposure.
The Amazon is home to some of the most poisonous creatures in the world, from deadly snakes to toxic insects.
The chef warned us not to consume the poisonous fish, as it could lead to severe illness or even death.
Many household plants can be poisonous to pets, so it's important to research which ones are safe and which ones to avoid.