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Planning Definition & Meaning

1. Planning is the process of creating a detailed strategy or course of action to achieve a specific goal.

Example: We need to start planning our marketing campaign for the new product launch.

2. Planning is the act of organizing and scheduling tasks or events in advance.

Example: The wedding planner is responsible for all the planning and coordination of the wedding day.

3. Planning is the act of anticipating and preparing for future events or situations.

Example: The government is planning for a potential natural disaster by creating emergency response plans.

4. Planning is the act of analyzing and evaluating different options or alternatives before making a decision.

Example: The financial planner is helping the client plan their retirement by assessing different investment options.

5. Planning is the act of setting goals and objectives and developing a plan to achieve them.

Example: The project manager is responsible for planning and executing the project within the given timeline and budget.

Examples of the word planning used in sentences.

  • She is planning to go shopping after work.
  • We are planning a picnic next weekend.
  • He is planning to study English every day.
  • I am planning to cook dinner tonight.
  • They are planning a vacation to the beach next month.
  • We are planning a trip to the beach this summer.
  • The company is currently planning a new marketing campaign.
  • I am planning to make a shopping list for the grocery store.
  • He is planning to take some courses to improve his language skills.
  • She is planning her birthday party for next weekend.
  • Planning ahead for the busy holiday season can save a lot of stress.
  • Good planning is essential when starting a new business.
  • As a teacher, I spend a lot of time planning lessons for my students.
  • The company's financial planning was well-done, leading to a successful quarter.
  • I need to start planning my vacation to Europe soon.
  • The company's financial planning needs to be reviewed to avoid any future setbacks.
  • Effective project planning is crucial to its successful completion.
  • Planning a surprise party for someone can be both exciting and challenging.
  • Careful planning is necessary to ensure a smooth transition to the new software system.
  • We need to start planning for our summer vacation soon to get the best deals.
  • The government's planning for disaster management helped mitigate the damage caused by the recent earthquake.
  • Effective planning is essential for project managers to ensure successful completion within deadlines and budget.
  • After months of careful planning, the team finally launched their new product with great success.
  • She always had a knack for planning her meals ahead of time, which saved her both time and money.
  • Before embarking on a trip, it's advisable to spend some time planning your itinerary to make the most of your time in the destination.
  • Careful event planning is required to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all attendees.
  • The company's strategic planning team is meeting next week to discuss new market opportunities.
  • Without proper planning, launching a successful startup is nearly impossible.
  • Effective financial planning is crucial for long-term sustainability and growth.
  • The project planning phase took longer than expected due to unforeseen obstacles.
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