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Plan Definition & Meaning

1. A detailed proposal for achieving a specific goal or objective.

Example: My plan is to save enough money to buy a car by the end of the year.

2. A set of actions or steps to be taken in order to accomplish something.

Example: Our plan is to launch the new product next month, which includes marketing, advertising, and distribution strategies.

3. A diagram or drawing showing the layout or design of something.

Example: The architect presented a plan for the new building, including floor plans, elevations, and materials.

4. A scheme or strategy for dealing with a particular problem or situation.

Example: The emergency response plan outlines the steps to be taken in case of a natural disaster or other crisis.

5. A predetermined course of action or schedule.

Example: We have a plan to meet every tuesday at 5 pm to discuss our progress on the project.

Examples of the word plan used in sentences.

  • My friend and I made plans to go to the cinema tonight.
  • I need to make a plan to finish my homework before the weekend.
  • Do you have a plan for your vacation yet?
  • Our company has a plan to increase sales by the end of the year.
  • I plan to go grocery shopping later today.
  • My plan for the summer holidays is to learn a new skill.
  • My plan for tonight is to cook dinner and watch a movie with my friends.
  • I have a plan to visit my grandparents this weekend.
  • She made a plan to wake up early and go for a morning run every day.
  • We should make a plan for our group project to avoid last-minute rush.
  • My plan for the weekend is to catch up on some reading and spend time with my family.
  • I need to plan my schedule carefully in order to fit in all of my tasks for the day.
  • I have a plan to save money for my upcoming trip to Europe.
  • Our company has a plan to increase its sales by 20% this quarter.
  • The city council is implementing a plan to improve public transportation in the city.
  • Despite the obstacles, I have a solid plan to start my own business next year.
  • It's always best to plan your vacation well in advance to avoid any last-minute hiccups.
  • The government has announced a new plan to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.
  • My fitness plan includes a combination of cardio and strength training to help me achieve my goals.
  • We need to come up with a contingency plan in case the project doesn't go as expected.
  • The CEO's ambitious plan to expand the company into new markets has been met with mixed reactions from investors and employees alike.
  • As a seasoned event planner, Sarah knows that a well-crafted backup plan can make all the difference in ensuring success.
  • Before proposing any changes to the city's infrastructure, the council needs to have a solid plan in place that considers all possible outcomes.
  • Despite the unexpected turn of events, I am determined to stick to my original plan and see it through.
  • Although it may be tempting to procrastinate, creating a detailed study plan is crucial for anyone preparing for a standardized test.
  • The government announced a new healthcare plan that aims to provide affordable medical services to underprivileged communities.
  • In order to achieve her dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur, Jane developed a strategic plan that involved networking and acquiring new skills.
  • With retirement just a few years away, John is already making plans to travel the world with his wife.
  • Despite meticulous planning, unforeseen circumstances led to the postponement of the project's launch.
  • After an extensive research, the team came up with a comprehensive plan to cut down on the company's expenses.
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