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Piano Definition & Meaning

1. A musical instrument with a keyboard that produces soft or loud sounds when keys are pressed.

Example: She played a beautiful melody on the piano.

2. A musical instruction indicating to play softly.

Example: The pianist followed the score and played piano at the beginning of the piece.

3. A shortened version of the word pianoforte, which means "soft-loud" in italian, referring to the instrument's ability to produce both soft and loud sounds.

Example: The pianist explained the history of the piano to the audience.

4. A piece of furniture that houses a piano.

Example: The movers carefully lifted the piano onto the dolly to transport it to the new house.

5. A type of hinge that allows a lid or cover to be opened and closed smoothly and quietly.

Example: The carpenter installed piano hinges on the cabinet doors for a sleek look.

Examples of the word piano used in sentences.

  • My friend is taking piano lessons and improving quickly.
  • I love to play the piano in my free time.
  • My mom used to play the piano when she was younger.
  • Can you please help me move this heavy piano to the other side of the room?
  • The sound of the piano is so peaceful and calming.
  • Can you please help me move this heavy piano to the other side of the room? (Physical work)
  • My sister is a wonderful pianist, and she loves to play classical music on the piano. (Talent)
  • The piano teacher told me to practice playing scales every day to improve my finger skills. (Learning)
  • I have been playing the piano for two years, and I can now play a few simple songs. (Music)
  • I have a beautiful grand piano in my house, but I hardly ever play it because I am too busy. (Lifestyle)
  • My sister is taking piano lessons twice a week to improve her skills.
  • Last night, the piano concert at the theater was incredible.
  • I love to listen to classical music while playing the piano.
  • I have been searching for a second-hand piano for my daughter's birthday gift.
  • When I feel stressed, playing the piano helps calm me down.
  • He tuned the piano meticulously before the concert to ensure optimal sound quality.
  • The piano performance by the young prodigy left the audience mesmerized.
  • Despite her busy schedule, she always manages to find time to practice her piano skills.
  • Her father gifted her a beautiful mahogany piano on her birthday, which became her prized possession.
  • The gentle tinkling of the piano keys filled the room, providing a soothing background music for the dinner party.
  • Despite the piano being the centerpiece of the room, she couldn't resist admiring the beautiful chandelier above it.
  • Having a musical ear, he quickly realized that the piano was not tuned properly.
  • After years of practice, she finally mastered playing Beethoven's Sonata on the grand piano.
  • Upon entering the hall, the audience was left in awe by the sight of a magnificent black piano on stage.
  • The music teacher instructed the class to practice their scales diligently if they wanted to improve their piano skills.
  • Playing the piano is a therapeutic hobby that helps me unwind after a long day at work.
  • It is awe-inspiring to witness how seamlessly the duo plays the piano, each complementing the other with perfect timing and symphony.
  • The piano's melodious tune harmonized perfectly with the singer's soulful voice in the music concert.
  • Despite being visually impaired, she played the piano with such finesse that it moved the entire auditorium to tears.
  • The pianist's virtuoso performance on the grand piano left the audience spellbound.
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