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Park Definition & Meaning

1. A public area of land, often with grass and trees, used for recreation and relaxation.

Example: Let's have a picnic in the park this weekend.

2. A designated area for vehicles to be parked.

Example: I couldn't find a parking spot near the restaurant.

3. A place where vehicles or equipment can be stored or kept.

Example: The truck was parked in the garage overnight.

4. To temporarily leave a vehicle or equipment in a specific location.

Example: Can you park the car while i run inside the store?

5. To stop or pause a task or activity.

Example: Let's park that idea for now and come back to it later.

Examples of the word park used in sentences.

  • I lost my keys while I was playing frisbee in the park.
  • Can we meet at the park after school to study together?
  • My family and I love to have a picnic at the park every weekend.
  • I saw a cute puppy playing fetch at the park yesterday.
  • The park is a wonderful place to take a walk and enjoy the fresh air.
  • The park was crowded with people enjoying the sunny weather and having picnics.
  • I like to go for a jog in the park early in the morning to start my day off right.
  • I went to the park with my friend yesterday and we had a great time playing soccer.
  • The children were running around and laughing loudly in the park playground.
  • Please don't forget to feed the ducks at the park when you go for a walk.
  • When I was younger, my friends and I used to play soccer in the park every weekend.
  • My dog loves going to the park to run around and play fetch with his toys.
  • I like taking walks in the park during autumn because the leaves are changing colors and the scenery is beautiful.
  • I usually try to find a spot in the shade when I go to the park because I don't like being in the sun.
  • If you're planning to go to the theme park, make sure you bring sunscreen and wear comfortable shoes.
  • The city council announced a new plan to improve access and safety in local parks.
  • There's a lovely park near my office, so I often take my lunch break there to get some fresh air and sunshine.
  • My kids love playing on the swings and slides at the park, but I prefer just sitting on a bench and people-watching.
  • It was difficult to find a spot to park near the beach, even though we got there early.
  • Despite the chilly weather, we bundled up and headed to the park for a game of Frisbee.
  • The children were delighted to discover a small pond hidden away in the corner of the park, full of tadpoles and frogs.
  • The city council has announced plans to build a new community park on the outskirts of town.
  • Despite the rain, the park was bustling with joggers, dog walkers, and families enjoying the outdoors.
  • After a long day at work, I like to unwind with a peaceful stroll through the nearby park.
  • We had a lovely picnic in the park, enjoying the warm sunshine and chatting with friends.
  • After a long day at work, nothing compares to a leisurely stroll through the park, taking in the sights and sounds of nature.
  • The city council has approved plans to expand the park, which will undoubtedly increase tourism and bring in revenue.
  • The park is a popular destination for families, offering a variety of activities that cater to people of all ages, such as picnicking and sports.
  • In order to maintain the integrity of the park, it is imperative that visitors follow the rules and regulations set forth by the park authorities.
  • Despite the hustle and bustle of the city, the park offers a serene escape for those seeking solace in nature.
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