Originally, I wanted to study music, but I changed my mind and became a teacher.
I originally came from Brazil, but now I live in Germany.
My travel plans were originally to visit Thailand, but I ended up going to Japan instead.
Originally, this building was a factory, but it was later converted into an apartment complex.
The recipe for this cake is originally from my grandmother.
Originally, the restaurant only served breakfast, but now they have expanded to include lunch and dinner.
The plan was originally to go hiking, but due to the weather, we decided to visit a museum instead.
The painting was originally created by a famous artist in the 19th century.
She originally came from a small town in the countryside before moving to the city.
Originally, I wanted to become a doctor, but then I realized I had a passion for teaching.
The idea for this business originally came to me during a trip to Japan, where I saw a gap in the market for affordable, high-quality skincare products.
This building was originally constructed in the 1800s and has since undergone many renovations.
The recipe for this cake originally came from my grandmother, who passed it down to my mother and now to me.
Originally, I was planning to study English literature in university, but then I discovered my passion for biology.
I originally come from a small town in southern Italy, but I moved to the city for work.
She originally came from India but has been living in the UK for the past 10 years.
The building, originally built in the 18th century, has now been renovated into a modern apartment complex.
Originally, I had booked a flight to Paris but due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to change my travel plans.
The company's product was originally developed for military use but has since been adapted for civilian purposes.
Originally, he had planned to study medicine but later changed his mind and pursued engineering.
The recipe I followed was originally from Italy, but I added some personal touches to make it my own.
Originally from a small town, she quickly adapted to the fast-paced lifestyle of the city.
Originally, I had planned to study law, but changed my mind to pursue a career in medicine instead.
The company's policy on remote work was originally met with resistance, but it has since become the norm due to the pandemic.
The painting was originally created by Picasso, but it has since been reproduced in prints and sold worldwide.
The idea for this innovative new product was originally conceived by a group of scientists working in a lab in Tokyo.
Originally, I intended to become a doctor, but my love for art took over and I became a professional artist instead.
Originally, this building was a factory, but it has since been converted into a trendy loft apartment complex.
Despite its reputation as a party city, Rio de Janeiro was originally founded as a Portuguese colony in the 16th century.
The recipe for this dish comes from my grandmother, who originally learned it from her mother.