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November Definition & Meaning

1. November is the eleventh month of the year in the gregorian calendar.

Example: My birthday is in november.

2. November is a time of autumnal transition, with colder temperatures and shorter days.

Example: The leaves on the trees turn beautiful shades of red and gold in november.

3. November is associated with the thanksgiving holiday in the united states.

Example: We always have a big family dinner on thanksgiving in november.

4. November is a popular month for writing challenges, such as national novel writing month (nanowrimo).

Example: I'm participating in nanowrimo this november to try and write a novel in 30 days.

5. November is named after the latin word "novem," meaning nine, because it was originally the ninth month in the roman calendar.

Example: Even though november is now the eleventh month, its name still reflects its original place in the calendar.

Examples of the word november used in sentences.

  • I was born in November, so it's my favorite month of the year.
  • My school's annual sports day will be held on the third Saturday of November.
  • The weather in November can be chilly, so it's important to dress warmly.
  • In November, my family usually celebrates Thanksgiving by having a big feast together.
  • November is the month when the leaves turn yellow, orange, and red.
  • "The annual Thanksgiving feast takes place in November, and families gather together to express gratitude and enjoy a meal," shared Mrs. Clark.
  • "In November, the weather starts getting chilly and trees shed their leaves," remarked Alex.
  • "November is the start of the holiday season, and people begin to plan their winter vacations," explained Emma.
  • "In November, students receive their report cards, and parents attend parent-teacher meetings," stated Mr. Brown.
  • "My birthday falls in November, and I always celebrate it with family and friends," said Sarah.
  • My birthday is in November and I cannot wait to celebrate with my friends.
  • In November, many Americans gather with their loved ones to give thanks on Thanksgiving Day.
  • Last November, I traveled to Europe for the first time and was amazed by the beautiful autumn scenery.
  • The temperature in November can be unpredictable, so it's important to dress in layers.
  • November is typically the month when the leaves begin to fall from the trees.
  • November is the perfect month for cozy evenings spent by the fireplace.
  • Thanksgiving is celebrated in November, and it's a time to express gratitude and spend time with loved ones.
  • November is known for its unpredictable weather, so it's important to dress in layers.
  • I always look forward to November, as it marks the beginning of the holiday season.
  • My birthday falls in November, so it's a month that holds a special place in my heart.
  • In November, the temperature drops significantly in most parts of the northern hemisphere.
  • November marks the beginning of the holiday season, with Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and the countdown to Christmas.
  • Many writers and novelists participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) every November, challenging themselves to complete a 50,000-word manuscript in just 30 days.
  • The November elections are always a hotly contested affair, with candidates vying for votes and campaigning in every corner of the country.
  • For nature lovers, November is the perfect month to witness the annual migration of birds and other wildlife, as they travel to warmer climates for the winter.
  • I am planning to attend a conference on climate change in November, to learn more about the pressing environmental issues facing our planet.
  • November marks the onset of winter and the holiday season in many parts of the world.
  • The autumn leaves of November create a beautiful mosaic of colors in the forests, making it a perfect time for nature walks and hikes.
  • November was a turning point in my life, as I decided to quit my job and start my own business.
  • November elections are crucial for shaping the political landscape of many countries, with voters having the power to choose their leaders and shape their future.
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