The new student nervously introduced herself to the class.
She held onto her mother's hand nervously while waiting for her turn.
The little dog barked nervously at the strangers entering the house.
I walked nervously to the podium to give my speech.
He chewed on his fingernails nervously during the job interview.
She nervously tapped her foot as she waited for her turn to speak in front of the class.
He nervously checked his phone for any messages, hoping to hear back from his crush.
She nervously approached the dog, unsure of how it would react.
He nervously looked around the room, hoping that no one would notice him.
She nervously asked her boss for a day off, hoping he would approve it.
The students nervously waited for their exam grades to be posted.
She nervously raised her hand to ask the teacher a question in front of the class.
He nervously fidgeted with his tie before proposing to his girlfriend.
The new employee nervously introduced herself to her team.
I was nervously tapping my feet during the job interview.
The new employee nervously introduced herself to the rest of the team.
Lisa nervously checked her phone for any messages from her boss.
The bride-to-be nervously adjusted her veil before walking down the aisle.
John nervously tapped his foot as he waited for his exam results.
As the plane started to take off, Sarah nervously gripped the armrests.
He tapped his foot nervously as he waited for the results of the medical test.
With the exam approaching, the students sat nervously in the classroom, flipping through their notes.
Nervously, I approached the podium to give my speech in front of the large crowd.
After witnessing the accident, she nervously dialed the emergency services, hoping for a quick response.
Nervously, she checked her phone for the eighth time, hoping for a message from her loved one.
He nervously fiddled with his tie while waiting for the interview to start.
Nervously, he approached her with a bouquet of flowers, hoping for forgiveness after their fight.
Nervously, she paced around the room, waiting for the doctor to deliver the test results.
The first-time speaker nervously grasped the podium, feeling the eyes of the audience on her.
She nervously clicked the "submit" button, waiting for the confirmation email to arrive.