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Neither Definition & Meaning

1. Not one nor the other of two things or people mentioned.

Example: "neither of us wants to go to the party tonight."

2. Used to introduce a further negative statement.

Example: "i don't like coffee, and neither do i like tea."

3. Not one nor the other of a set of alternatives.

Example: "neither the blue shirt nor the red shirt looks good on me."

4. Used to indicate a lack of interest or enthusiasm for two options.

Example: "i'm neither excited nor disappointed about the movie we're seeing tonight."

5. Used to indicate a negative response to a question or statement.

Example: "are you going to the concert tonight?" "neither of us is going." note: as an ai language model, i cannot provide subjective explanations.

Examples of the word neither used in sentences.

  • Neither the cat nor the dog likes to be alone.
  • She neither likes nor dislikes horror movies.
  • Neither he nor she speaks Spanish.
  • Neither of us knows how to play chess.
  • I like neither coffee nor tea.
  • I like neither coffee nor tea; I prefer juice instead.
  • Neither he nor she could solve the puzzle, so they asked for help.
  • We can neither confirm nor deny the allegations against our company.
  • Neither of my parents enjoys camping, so we usually opt for a beach vacation.
  • I'm afraid I have neither the time nor the energy to attend the party tonight.
  • Neither of us has any experience in cooking, so let's order takeout tonight.
  • Neither my husband nor I have decided where to go for our next vacation.
  • I don't like coffee, and neither does my sister.
  • I can't decide between the chicken or the beef dish, so I'll have neither and order the fish instead.
  • The film was neither entertaining nor educational, it was just plain boring.
  • Neither my parents nor my friends approve of my decision to change my major.
  • I have neither the time nor the energy for a lengthy discussion right now.
  • The hotel room was neither spacious nor clean, which was disappointing.
  • Neither of us could remember the way back to our hotel after the concert.
  • Neither the teacher nor the student was satisfied with the exam results.
  • The restaurant's service was neither prompt nor attentive, which was disappointing.
  • Neither of us wanted to attend the party, so we decided to stay home instead.
  • The weather was neither warm nor cold, making it pleasant for a leisurely walk in the park.
  • The candidate's responses to the interview questions were neither articulate nor convincing.
  • I have neither the time nor the desire to engage in a lengthy debate about politics.
  • I am neither impressed nor convinced by the company's new marketing campaign.
  • Neither candidate made a compelling case for their policy platform during the debate.
  • The restaurant offers neither vegetarian nor vegan options on their menu.
  • The team's performance was neither outstanding nor lackluster, but rather solid.
  • My friend is neither a morning person nor a night owl - they prefer to sleep in the afternoon.
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