"It's natural for children to be curious and ask questions about the world around them."
"She speaks English fluently, it comes naturally to her."
"The flowers in the garden are naturally beautiful, no need for any decoration."
"I naturally wake up early every morning without an alarm clock."
"I naturally prefer warm weather over cold weather."
"He can naturally speak three languages fluently."
"I naturally prefer hot weather over cold weather."
"She naturally wakes up early because of her job."
"It's natural to feel nervous before a big presentation."
"The baby naturally smiled when she saw her mother's face."
He naturally gravitates towards outdoor activities like hiking and camping.
Naturally, we didn't want to be late for the meeting, so we left early.
Vegetables are naturally high in fiber, which is great for digestion.
I have always been naturally good at math.
The baby was crying naturally, as it was hungry and needed to be fed.
She was naturally empathetic and had a gift for understanding others' perspectives.
Learning a new language takes time, but some people have a naturally aptitude for it.
It is naturally important to take breaks and recharge your mind after long hours of work.
After years of practice, her dance moves looked naturally fluid and effortless on stage.
The musician's talent was evident from the naturally beautiful melodies he created.
Despite her illness, she remained naturally optimistic and inspired those around her.
He made the presentation look effortless, speaking naturally and engaging the audience.
It's naturally tempting to procrastinate, but I know I'll feel better if I start my work now.
Naturally, I was hesitant to try the exotic dish, but I ended up loving it.
She was naturally talented at playing the piano and could play complex pieces with ease.
The author's words flowed naturally on the page, captivating the reader with their lyrical quality.
Naturally, he was ecstatic to learn that he had been accepted into the top-ranked university in the country.
The scientist explained the complex chemical reaction naturally, making it easy for the audience to comprehend.
Naturally, as a skilled musician, she was able to transpose the symphony at the concert flawlessly.
It was evident that the athlete had been born with a gift, as he naturally excelled in multiple sports.