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Mysterious Definition & Meaning

1. Difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify.

Example: The disappearance of the plane remains a mysterious event.

2. Having an aura of secrecy or enigma.

Example: The old mansion had a mysterious atmosphere that made people curious.

3. Intriguing or fascinating due to being unknown or unexplainable.

Example: The mysterious stranger captivated the attention of the townspeople.

4. Suggestive of something supernatural or magical.

Example: The mysterious powers of the ancient artifact were believed to be able to grant wishes.

5. Hidden or concealed from view, knowledge, or understanding.

Example: The mysterious contents of the locked box remained a mystery until it was finally opened.

Examples of the word mysterious used in sentences.

  • The disappearance of the famous actor remains mysterious to this day.
  • The old mansion on the hill looked mysterious in the moonlight.
  • The forest at night seemed mysterious and eerie.
  • The treasure map had a mysterious X marking the spot.
  • The strange noise coming from the attic had a mysterious explanation.
  • The strange noises coming from the basement at night were quite mysterious and made me afraid to investigate.
  • The old house on the hill always had a mysterious atmosphere that made me curious about what was inside.
  • The way she smiled and tried to avoid my questions made her intentions mysterious and difficult to understand.
  • The story of the Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mysterious tales of the sea, with ships and planes seemingly disappearing without a trace.
  • The disappearance of the famous singer remains a mysterious case that has yet to be solved.
  • The disappearance of the famous explorer was surrounded by mysterious circumstances, leaving people guessing for years.
  • The latest novel by the author had a mysterious plot that kept the readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
  • The island was shrouded in a mysterious mist that added to its enigmatic charm.
  • The old house had a mysterious aura surrounding it, making it a perfect setting for a horror movie.
  • The sudden illness of the CEO raised some mysterious questions about the company's financial situation.
  • The mysterious stranger walked into the bar with a glint in his eye, leaving everyone wondering what his intentions were.
  • The new neighbor was a mysterious figure, no one knew much about his past.
  • The old abandoned house had a mysterious aura around it, making it the perfect setting for a horror movie.
  • The disappearance of the ancient artifact remains mysterious to this day.
  • The sudden illness of the CEO sparked off a series of mysterious events in the company.
  • The abandoned house had a mysterious air about it, prompting me to investigate further.
  • The intricate markings on the ancient artifact were so mysterious that scientists were baffled by their meaning.
  • The sudden disappearance of the actress was shrouded in mysterious circumstances, leaving everyone puzzled.
  • The stranger's cryptic smile and enigmatic remarks only added to the mysterious vibe of the party.
  • The dark, ominous clouds looming over the city gave it a mysterious aura, making it feel like anything could happen at any moment.
  • The mysterious stranger in the black cloak left everyone wondering about his true identity.
  • The enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa continues to be a mysterious puzzle for art enthusiasts.
  • The murder case remained mysterious, as the police failed to find any concrete evidence.
  • The dark and mysterious forest was said to be haunted by spirits of the dead.
  • The disappearance of the plane is still a mysterious event that remains unsolved till date.
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