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Multiply Definition & Meaning

1. To increase the quantity or number of something by adding more of it.

Example: I need to multiply the ingredients in this recipe to make enough for all the guests.

2. To perform a mathematical operation that involves adding a number to itself a certain number of times.

Example: To find the product of 5 and 6, you need to multiply 5 by



4. To reproduce or propagate something by natural means, such as by giving birth or laying eggs.

Example: Rabbits can multiply quickly if they are not spayed or neutered.

5. To intensify or amplify something, such as a feeling or emotion.

Example: The loud music multiplied the excitement of the crowd at the concert.

6. To create multiple copies or versions of something.

Example: The company plans to multiply its profits by expanding into new markets.

Examples of the word multiply used in sentences.

  • Trees can multiply their leaves in the springtime. (Nature)
  • It's important to multiply your efforts to achieve your goals. (Motivation)
  • We can multiply our savings by investing wisely. (Finance)
  • If we multiply the ingredients, we can bake more cakes. (Cooking)
  • I can multiply numbers easily but struggle with division. (Mathematics)
  • In order to increase your savings, you should try to multiply your investment.
  • The athlete's injuries seemed to multiply, making it impossible for him to participate in the upcoming competition.
  • If you keep feeding the stray cats in the neighbourhood, their population will multiply rapidly.
  • You can easily multiply the ingredients to make a bigger batch of cookies.
  • To solve this math problem, you need to multiply 7 with 9.
  • If you want to earn more money, you could multiply your income streams by starting your own side business.
  • The effects of climate change are multiplying faster than we thought they would.
  • To calculate the area of a rectangle, you need to multiply its length by its width.
  • When you're baking a cake, it's important to multiply the ingredients correctly to avoid any mishaps.
  • The population of the world has multiplied dramatically over the past few hundred years.
  • The impact of climate change is multiplying at an alarming rate.
  • In order to calculate the total cost, you need to multiply the price of each item by the quantity.
  • The power of any number can be found by multiplying the number by itself a certain number of times.
  • By investing in various fields, you can multiply your chances of gaining profits in the long run.
  • After having children, their responsibilities seemed to multiply overnight.
  • To create market success, companies often rely on their ability to multiply their sales figures.
  • Certain species of bacteria multiply rapidly, which can lead to infections if left unchecked.
  • The power of compound interest is remarkable when you multiply your initial investment over time.
  • When dealing with complex mathematical equations, it is important to remember the proper order in which to multiply and divide.
  • In order to diversify her investments, she decided to multiply her portfolio by investing in several different industries.
  • The power of social media is that it allows us to multiply our message and reach a wider audience with just a few clicks.
  • In order to solve complex mathematical problems, it often requires us to multiply multiple numbers and calculate the product.
  • To effectively manage a successful business, it is crucial to multiply your revenue streams and not rely on a single source of income.
  • The key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to multiply your physical activity by incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine.
  • The tropical climate, combined with heavy rainfall, creates the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes to multiply and spread diseases.
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