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Move Definition & Meaning

1. To change position or location.

Example: I need to move the couch to vacuum underneath it.

2. To take action or make a decision.

Example: We need to move quickly if we want to secure the deal.

3. To cause someone to feel strong emotions or be motivated.

Example: The speech by the activist moved the crowd to tears.

4. To transfer or transport something from one place to another.

Example: Can you help me move these boxes to the storage room?

5. To make progress or advance in a particular direction.

Example: The project is moving along smoothly and should be completed on time.

Examples of the word move used in sentences.

  • Please move your car to the side of the road.
  • My family will move to a new house next month.
  • The music makes me want to move my body and dance.
  • I can move my arms and legs to swim in the pool.
  • Can you help me move this heavy box to the other room?
  • The football team made a great move to score the winning goal.
  • My sister and I like to move to the beat of the music when we dance.
  • I need to move this chair to the other side of the room.
  • It's time to move on from the past and look towards the future.
  • Please move your car so that I can park mine.
  • I have decided to move to a bigger apartment since my family is growing.
  • The company's plan to move its headquarters to a more strategic location has been met with positive feedback.
  • If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you have to move regularly and exercise.
  • It's hard to move on from a failed relationship, but with time and positivity, it's possible to find happiness again.
  • The team's strategy to move the ball quickly from one player to another proved to be effective in winning the game.
  • I always feel a sense of accomplishment after completing a tough workout that challenges me to move in new ways.
  • The President's decision to move forward with the peace talks was met with both praise and criticism.
  • After years of working in the same job, I decided it was time to make a move and find something more fulfilling.
  • The dance troupe's synchronized movements were mesmerizing to watch.
  • The company's recent moves towards more sustainable practices has garnered attention from environmental advocates.
  • It is important to always move forward and never give up on reaching your goals.
  • The CEO's bold move of investing in new technology helped the company stay ahead of the competition.
  • In order to avoid getting stiff, it's recommended to take frequent breaks and move around during long work hours.
  • With her swift and graceful moves, the ballerina impressed the audience with her performance.
  • The government's decision to move refugees to safer regions was praised by human rights organizations.
  • The dancer's graceful movements left the audience in awe.
  • With the new job offer in hand, she decided it was time to make a move to a new city.
  • The CEO's innovative leadership style helped move the company towards greater success and profitability.
  • The government's decision to move forward with the infrastructure project was met with mixed reactions from the public.
  • Despite her fear of heights, she slowly began to move higher up the rock wall with each passing minute.
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