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More Definition & Meaning

1. Greater in amount, quantity, or degree.

Example: I need more sugar for this recipe.

2. Additional or extra.

Example: Can i have more time to finish this project?

3. Further in time or distance.

Example: We need to walk for more miles to reach the summit.

4. Comparative form of "much" or "many".

Example: He has more books than she does.

5. Used to indicate a preference for one thing over another.

Example: I prefer tea more than coffee.

Examples of the word more used in sentences.

  • Can you give me more information about this topic?
  • My dog wants more food in his bowl.
  • She is more tired today than yesterday.
  • I need more milk for my coffee.
  • I want to see more of the city before I leave.
  • I need to study more to pass my exams.
  • I want to travel more and see the world.
  • I want to eat more cake, please!
  • She needs more coffee to wake up in the morning.
  • Could you please talk more slowly? I can't understand you.
  • I need more time to finish this project.
  • Can you give me more details about your proposal?
  • I'm looking for more challenging opportunities in my career.
  • I want to learn more about the history of art.
  • We should eat more fruits and vegetables for a healthier diet.
  • I always feel more energized and productive after a good night's sleep.
  • I need to exercise more if I want to lose weight and become healthier.
  • The company's profits have increased more than expected this quarter.
  • Learning a second language can open up more job opportunities and broaden your cultural horizons.
  • We should try to be more conscious of our environmental impact and reduce our carbon footprint.
  • To ensure better results, it is necessary to allocate more time to research and analysis.
  • To achieve greater success in your career, it is important to take on more challenges and seek out new opportunities.
  • In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is important to consume more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
  • Business leaders should be more proactive in identifying opportunities for growth and expansion.
  • Governments must invest more in education and training if they hope to create a more skilled workforce.
  • By incorporating more plants into your diet, you can improve your overall health and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.
  • The company's profits have increased significantly, indicating that there is more demand for their products in the market.
  • With the pandemic causing more people to work from home, the demand for high-speed internet has never been greater.
  • Despite having years of experience, there is always more to learn in the field of medicine.
  • In a society where people are constantly striving for more, it's important to take time to appreciate what you already have.
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