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Mention Definition & Meaning

1. To refer to or speak briefly about something or someone.

Example: She mentioned her upcoming vacation plans during the meeting.

2. To bring up a topic or subject in conversation.

Example: He mentioned the new restaurant that just opened downtown.

3. To acknowledge or recognize someone or something.

Example: The speaker mentioned the hard work of the volunteers in the audience.

4. To include or cite something in written or spoken communication.

Example: The report mentioned several key findings from the research study.

5. To notify or inform someone about something.

Example: Please mention to your colleagues that the meeting has been rescheduled.

Examples of the word mention used in sentences.

  • He mentioned his favorite color is blue.
  • He mentioned his brother's new job in the city.
  • She forgot to mention the party invitation that she received.
  • She didn't mention her plans for the weekend.
  • The teacher mentioned that there would be a quiz next week.
  • She didn't mention about her trip to Europe last year.
  • The article didn't mention any contact details.
  • He didn't mention his name when introducing himself.
  • During the meeting, the boss didn't mention the salary increment.
  • Can you mention your favorite book?
  • The article mentioned the negative effects of social media on mental health.
  • During the meeting, the manager mentioned that we need to increase our sales target.
  • Can you please mention the specific tasks that you need help with?
  • Did you mention to the teacher that you need additional study materials?
  • I was surprised when he didn't mention anything about his vacation plans.
  • During the meeting, the manager mentioned the need for more efficient communication within the team.
  • While discussing current events, my friend mentioned the recent social unrest and its impact on society.
  • I would like to mention that our company's policies align with sustainable business practices.
  • In his presentation, the speaker mentioned several key points that were crucial to the success of their business.
  • I enjoy cooking, especially when it comes to experimenting with recipes that mention unusual ingredients.
  • During the interview, the candidate was asked to mention a challenging project they had worked on in the past.
  • It's important to mention the potential risks associated with the treatment before administering it to the patient.
  • In her presentation, she forgot to mention the contributions made by the research team.
  • The article briefly mentioned the impact of climate change on the biodiversity in the region.
  • He mentioned that he had visited the city before, but didn't elaborate on his experiences.
  • When discussing travel destinations, my friend always mentions her favorite city, Paris.
  • During the interview, the candidate made sure to mention their experience working in a multicultural environment.
  • The book on history of art mentions the works of the famous painter Leonardo da Vinci.
  • In the meeting, the CEO mentioned the company's plans to expand into new markets.
  • The professor mentioned the research study that inspired her latest publication.
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