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Meet Definition & Meaning

1. To come into the presence or company of someone or something.

Example: I am going to meet my friend at the coffee shop.

2. To encounter or experience something.

Example: I met with a lot of resistance when i tried to implement the new policy.

3. To fulfill or satisfy a requirement or expectation.

Example: The project needs to meet the deadline set by the client.

4. To come together in order to discuss or negotiate something.

Example: The two companies are meeting to discuss a potential merger.

5. To be equal or on the same level as something else.

Example: The company's revenue needs to meet or exceed last year's numbers.

Examples of the word meet used in sentences.

  • I hope to meet some new friends at the language exchange event.
  • Can we meet at the park at 2 pm?
  • I am excited to meet my new neighbor tomorrow.
  • My friend and I are going to meet at the cinema tonight.
  • I am looking forward to meeting my boss for the first time next week.
  • Can we meet up for lunch tomorrow and catch up?
  • I'm going to meet my friends at the park this afternoon.
  • Would you like to meet me at the library later to study together?
  • Let's meet at the cinema at 7 pm to watch the new movie.
  • I'm excited to finally meet my new coworkers at the office.
  • I met a really interesting person at the conference last week and we've started chatting regularly.
  • We're planning to meet up with our neighbors this weekend for a barbecue.
  • I'm going to meet my friend later for a coffee and catch-up.
  • My boss has arranged a meeting with me to discuss my performance at work.
  • I'm excited to meet the new members of our club at the next meeting.
  • Let's arrange a meeting to discuss the details of the project.
  • It was lovely to meet your family at the barbecue last weekend.
  • I'm excited to finally meet my online pen pal in person next week.
  • I hope to meet more like-minded individuals at the upcoming conference.
  • The CEO will be flying in from London to meet with us on Friday.
  • As an entrepreneur, it's important to meet with potential investors and build a strong network.
  • I can't wait to meet my online language exchange partner in person and practice speaking Spanish.
  • In a globalized world, it's increasingly common to meet people from all different cultures and backgrounds, which is exciting and enriching.
  • Meeting my favorite author was a dream come true, and I couldn't stop smiling the whole day afterwards.
  • In order to solve this complex issue, we need to meet with specialists from various fields and brainstorm solutions.
  • I recently joined a local hiking club and have been able to meet some incredible people while exploring the great outdoors.
  • Our team has been working remotely for months, so we decided to meet in person for the first time at a conference in Paris.
  • As a successful entrepreneur, I have had the opportunity to meet with countless industry leaders and influencers.
  • I was thrilled to finally meet my favorite author in person at a book signing event last week.
  • Despite our busy schedules, my wife and I make it a priority to meet for lunch every Friday to catch up on the week's events.
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