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Kitchen Definition & Meaning

1. A room or area in a house or restaurant where food is prepared and cooked.

Example: I'm going to make dinner in the kitchen tonight.

2. A set of equipment or utensils used for cooking.

Example: I need to buy a new set of kitchen knives.

3. The staff or employees who work in a restaurant's kitchen.

Example: The kitchen is short-staffed tonight, so service may be slower than usual.

4. A place where people gather to socialize and prepare food together.

Example: We're having a potluck in the community kitchen this weekend.

5. A metaphorical term used to describe a place where creative work or ideas are developed.

Example: The writer's desk is her kitchen, where she cooks up her stories.

Examples of the word kitchen used in sentences.

  • I cook breakfast in the kitchen every morning.
  • We usually have family dinner in the kitchen.
  • I love baking cakes in my kitchen.
  • My kitchen is small but cozy.
  • Can you help me clean the kitchen after dinner?
  • I love to cook in the kitchen because it's my favorite place in the house.
  • Can you please help me set the table for dinner? The dishes are already in the kitchen.
  • Yesterday, we had a barbecue party in the backyard and everyone gathered in the kitchen to make the burgers.
  • My mom always keeps the kitchen clean and organized, which makes it easy to find everything I need.
  • I need to buy some new kitchen utensils because my old ones are starting to rust.
  • My grandmother always had a tidy kitchen, with everything in its place and nothing out of order.
  • When my friends come over, we often end up congregating in the kitchen, chatting and snacking while dinner cooks on the stove.
  • After a long day at work, I like to unwind by baking something sweet in the kitchen and enjoying it with a cup of tea.
  • I love cooking in my kitchen, especially when I have all the right ingredients on hand.
  • When we bought our new house, we were excited to have a spacious kitchen with modern appliances and plenty of counter space.
  • I couldn't resist the mouthwatering aroma emanating from the kitchen, and was delighted to find my favorite dish being prepared.
  • I love cooking up a storm in my spacious kitchen; it's my favorite space in the house.
  • My sister is a budding chef, and I regularly seek her advice on how to spruce up my kitchen and make it more functional.
  • My mother-in-law has an enviable collection of antique kitchen utensils that she displays with pride.
  • Before we start cooking, we always make sure to clean the kitchen thoroughly to avoid any accidental contamination.
  • The kitchen was in chaos after the dinner party, with dirty dishes and empty wine bottles littering the counters.
  • You can tell a lot about a person by the state of their kitchen - messy and cluttered or neat and organized.
  • The restaurant's open kitchen allowed guests to watch as the chefs expertly prepared their meals.
  • I couldn't help but marvel at the modern appliances and sleek design of the kitchen in our Airbnb rental.
  • Having a spacious kitchen is an absolute must if you enjoy cooking elaborate meals.
  • The kitchen of the five-star restaurant was a sight to behold with its state-of-the-art appliances and gleaming stainless steel countertops.
  • Despite having a spacious living room, my favorite spot in my house is the kitchen because I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes.
  • Whenever I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I find solace in the kitchen by baking my favorite chocolate cake and sharing it with my loved ones.
  • The fire in the kitchen spread quickly and before we knew it, the entire house was engulfed in flames.
  • My mother always taught me that the kitchen is the heart of the home and it's where all the love and nourishment comes from.
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