I can't justify buying a new phone when my old one still works perfectly fine.
He couldn't justify his absence from work yesterday, so he got in trouble with his boss.
The school board needs to justify why they are cutting the music program.
She had to justify her decision to quit her job to her parents, who were not happy about it.
Can you justify why you didn't finish your homework on time?
We need to justify why we deserve a bigger budget for our project.
I need to justify why I was absent from work yesterday.
Can you justify why you spent all that money on a new phone?
She tried to justify her actions by saying she was acting in self-defense.
I don't think you can fully justify your opinion without providing more evidence.
Can you justify the high cost of this product to me with some solid reasons?
The author tries to justify their argument with relevant facts and figures in the research paper.
It is not right to justify one's unethical behavior just because it benefits them.
I have to justify my absence from work last week with a valid reason.
The government's decision to increase taxes is difficult to justify to the citizens.
The company CEO had to justify the massive layoff to the shareholders.
The student had to justify his methodology to the professor to get a good research grade.
The author had to justify his artistic choices in the novel to the publisher, who was skeptical about its commercial viability.
The politician tried to justify the controversial policy by arguing that it benefits the majority of the population.
The defendant tried to justify his actions by claiming it was self-defense.
Some people might argue that the government's use of surveillance is justified in the name of national security, but others feel that it's an infringement on our rights.
In order to attract investors, a company needs to justify its valuation with a clear explanation of its growth potential and revenue streams.
It's not enough to simply claim that a particular policy is unfair - we need to be able to justify that claim with evidence.
When it comes to ethical dilemmas, it can be difficult to justify one's decisions to others, especially if they have different values or beliefs.
As an experienced professional, I believe it's important to justify my recommendations with solid data and analysis.
When questioned about their unethical business practices, the corporation's lawyers struggled to justify their actions in court.
Many people struggle to justify their faith in the face of difficult life circumstances, but for some, their faith is what helps them to endure and overcome.
As a politician, it's not enough to have good intentions; you also need to be able to justify your policy decisions to the public.
As an accomplished academic, he knew how to justify his research findings with rigorous evidence and data analysis.
As a writer, it's important to be able to justify the artistic choices you make in your work, even if they go against conventional wisdom.