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Interpret Definition & Meaning

1. To explain the meaning of something, especially something that is difficult to understand.

Example: Can you interpret this poem for me? i don't understand what the author is trying to say.

2. To translate from one language to another.

Example: The interpreter helped the tourists communicate with the locals in japan.

3. To understand and explain the significance or importance of something.

Example: The historian interpreted the events leading up to the american revolution.

4. To perform a piece of music or a role in a play in a particular way.

Example: The pianist interpreted the classical piece with a modern twist.

5. To make sense of or give a particular meaning to something, often based on personal beliefs or experiences.

Example: Everyone interprets art differently, depending on their own perspective and background.

Examples of the word interpret used in sentences.

  • She interpreted the dream as a sign of good luck.
  • The doctor will interpret your test results for you.
  • The artist's work is open to interpretation.
  • I can't interpret what he's saying, he speaks too fast.
  • Can you interpret this map for me?
  • The artist's painting is open to interpretation, everyone sees something different.
  • The teacher asked the students to interpret the poem in their own words.
  • The detective tried to interpret the suspect's body language during the interrogation.
  • The actor had to interpret the character in his own way.
  • Can you interpret this document for me? I don't understand it.
  • The lawyer had to carefully interpret the legal jargon to explain it to their client.
  • I need someone to interpret this ancient manuscript for me.
  • It's important to correctly interpret the instructions before beginning the task.
  • It can be challenging to interpret someone's emotions through a text message.
  • The artist's intention can be difficult to interpret from their abstract paintings.
  • The safety instructions were difficult to interpret due to the small print and technical language.
  • The translator struggled to accurately interpret the nuances of the foreign language in the document.
  • The scientist's data was open to interpretation, and the team had to carefully analyze several potential outcomes before making a conclusion.
  • The artist's abstract painting left the viewers struggling to interpret its meaning and symbolism.
  • The politician's intentions behind his speech were subject to interpretation and sparked a heated debate among the audience.
  • The translator struggled to interpret the idiomatic expressions in the foreign language text.
  • We need to interpret the data carefully to avoid making false conclusions.
  • I always have to interpret my boss's cryptic emails to figure out what she really wants me to do.
  • The police officer had to interpret the suspect's body language to determine if they were lying.
  • It's difficult to interpret abstract art when the artist's intention isn't clear.
  • The art historian was able to interpret the intricate brushwork and hidden symbolism in the Renaissance masterpiece.
  • The pharmacist had to carefully interpret the doctor's illegible handwriting on the prescription in order to dispense the correct medication.
  • The linguist was adept at interpreting and translating ancient texts that had long been lost in translation.
  • As a seasoned diplomat, she could interpret even the subtlest of gestures and nuances during tense negotiations.
  • The singer's emotional performance allowed the audience to interpret her lyrics in their own unique way, adding to the depth of the song's meaning.
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