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Independent Definition & Meaning

1. Not influenced or controlled by others; self-reliant.

Example: She is an independent woman who doesn't need anyone to take care of her.

2. Not belonging to or affiliated with a particular group or organization.

Example: He is an independent contractor who works for multiple companies.

3. Free from bias or prejudice.

Example: The judge is known for being independent and making fair decisions.

4. Capable of functioning or operating on its own.

Example: The solar-powered lamp is independent of electricity and can be used anywhere.

5. Not dependent on something else for support or existence.

Example: The island nation is independent and has its own government and economy.

Examples of the word independent used in sentences.

  • The University of Cambridge is a world-renowned independent research institution.
  • The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia.
  • Sarah wants to start her own independent business next year.
  • My little sister is becoming more independent and is able to do things on her own.
  • I want to be independent and live on my own someday.
  • My son is becoming more independent each day, he can now tie his own shoes!
  • It's important to teach children to be independent and learn how to do things for themselves.
  • The country gained its independence from colonial rule in 1957.
  • As a freelancer, I enjoy the freedom of being independent and being able to work on my own terms.
  • She is an independent woman who can achieve anything she sets her mind to.
  • In order to achieve financial independence, it's important to develop good money management skills.
  • Learning to think independently is an important skill that helps us make better decisions and solve problems more effectively.
  • The new restaurant was started by a group of independent entrepreneurs who wanted to create something unique.
  • As an independent worker, I am able to manage my time and prioritize my tasks effectively.
  • Many people believe that being independent means being alone, but that is not necessarily true.
  • Learning to be independent is an important life skill that we should all strive to develop.
  • Growing up, my parents always encouraged me to be independent and make my own decisions.
  • As an independent contractor, I have the freedom to choose my own schedule and work on projects that interest me.
  • Despite facing numerous challenges, the country fought for its independence and established its own government.
  • The new business owner decided to keep his company independent rather than seeking outside investors.
  • After years of study and hard work, the young musician finally achieved her dream of becoming an independent artist.
  • In order to succeed in the highly competitive market, it is crucial for businesses to have a strong and independent marketing strategy.
  • The new startup was created by a group of independent thinkers, who were determined to revolutionize the industry.
  • As an independent consultant, she worked with a variety of clients and enjoyed the freedom of being her own boss.
  • In today's modern world, being financially independent is an achievable goal for many individuals.
  • The success of any business often depends on its ability to remain independent of external pressures.
  • As an independent thinker, she never hesitated to challenge conventional wisdom.
  • She has always made it a priority to raise her children to be independent and self-sufficient.
  • He felt an immense sense of satisfaction after finally becoming financially independent.
  • The new technology has made it easier for people with disabilities to live independent lives.
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