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Impressive Definition & Meaning

1. Having a strong impact or effect on someone; evoking admiration or awe.

Example: The fireworks display was truly impressive, leaving the audience in awe.

2. Displaying a high level of skill, ability, or achievement.

Example: The athlete's impressive performance earned him a gold medal.

3. Making a strong statement or showing a significant amount of evidence.

Example: The lawyer presented an impressive case, convincing the jury of his client's innocence.

4. Being large or grand in scale or size.

Example: The impressive mansion sat atop the hill, overlooking the city.

5. Being notable or outstanding in some way.

Example: The impressive list of accomplishments on her resume landed her the job.

Examples of the word impressive used in sentences.

  • He scored an impressive goal in the football match yesterday.
  • She made an impressive cake for the party.
  • The new museum exhibit was really impressive.
  • Her language skills are truly impressive for someone who just started learning.
  • The view from the top of the mountain is impressive!
  • The new skyscraper in the city center was an impressive sight to see.
  • The chef's culinary skills were impressive as he prepared a delicious meal in less than an hour.
  • The athlete's impressive performance earned him a gold medal at the Olympic games.
  • The young boy's exceptional skills in playing the piano were impressively impressive.
  • The fireworks display was incredibly impressive as it lit up the entire sky.
  • The company's latest product was an impressive achievement, revolutionizing the industry and gaining global recognition.
  • The view from the top of the mountain was truly impressive, with endless green forests stretching as far as the eye could see.
  • I was impressed by her impressive performance during the concert, where she sang flawlessly and captured the crowd's attention effortlessly.
  • The newest addition to the museum's collection was an impressive painting that showcased the artist's incredible talent.
  • His impressive knowledge of history and literature left me amazed, as he effortlessly discussed complex theories and ideas.
  • The athlete's impressive performance in the Olympic games earned them a spot on the podium and a medal.
  • The CEO's impressive leadership skills were evident in the company's success and growth.
  • The impressive technology featured in the new smartphone design drew many customers to upgrade their devices.
  • The impressive art exhibit left the visitors in awe of the artist's skill and creativity.
  • The impressive architecture of the ancient monument was a testament to the ingenuity of its builders.
  • The orchestra's performance was truly impressive, leaving the audience awestruck and speechless.
  • The CEO's business acumen was impressive, as demonstrated by the company's exponential growth in just three years.
  • The athlete's stamina and endurance were impressive, as he completed the grueling marathon in record time.
  • The architecture of the cathedral was impressive, with its towering spires and intricate details that left visitors amazed.
  • The film's special effects were absolutely impressive, bringing to life a world of unimaginable creatures and landscapes.
  • The intricate detailing on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is truly impressive.
  • The skyscraper's architecture was an impressive feat of engineering and design.
  • The orchestra's rendition of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was an impressive display of musical talent.
  • The amount of research and data analysis put into the scientific study was truly impressive.
  • The athlete's athletic performance was nothing short of impressive.
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