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Illegal Definition & Meaning

1. Not allowed by law: something that is prohibited or forbidden by law.

Example: It is illegal to drive without a license.

2. Unlawful: something that is against the law or a rule.

Example: It is illegal to sell alcohol to minors.

3. Criminal: something that is a crime or punishable by law.

Example: It is illegal to steal someone's property.

4. Illicit: something that is not morally or ethically acceptable.

Example: It is illegal to use drugs.

5. Unauthorized: something that is done without permission or legal authority.

Example: It is illegal to enter someone's property without their consent.

Examples of the word illegal used in sentences.

  • Jaywalking is illegal and can lead to a fine.
  • It is illegal to download movies without permission from the owner.
  • It is illegal to drive without a license.
  • Smoking in public places is illegal in many countries.
  • Many people cross the border illegally in search of better job opportunities.
  • Taking drugs is illegal and can have serious consequences.
  • The government has declared that it is illegal to hunt endangered animals.
  • Parking your car in a no-parking area is considered illegal and can result in a fine.
  • I heard that the company was fined for employing illegal workers.
  • It's illegal to drive above the speed limit on this road.
  • Graffiti is considered illegal and can lead to a criminal record if caught.
  • The company was fined for employing illegal immigrants, which is a violation of labor laws.
  • He was arrested for illegal possession of firearms and faces a long prison sentence.
  • Jayne was caught driving on an illegal license and had to pay a hefty fine.
  • The use of child labor in factories is illegal in most developed countries.
  • The unauthorized use of copyrighted materials is considered illegal.
  • The company was penalized for illegal dumping of waste materials.
  • The government has declared the sale of all tobacco products to minors illegal.
  • It is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • The suspect was arrested for carrying illegal drugs.
  • The company was fined for illegally dumping hazardous waste into the river.
  • He was deported back to his home country for illegal immigration.
  • It is illegal to park your vehicle in a handicapped spot without a permit.
  • The government is cracking down on illegal drug trafficking in the city.
  • The environmental group protested the illegal hunting of endangered species.
  • The athlete was banned from the sport for testing positive for illegal performance-enhancing drugs.
  • The government's crackdown on illegal immigration has sparked controversy and protests across the country.
  • It is illegal to discriminate against someone based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • The company was caught engaging in illegal practices that undermined fair competition.
  • If caught, those involved in illegal drug trafficking could face serious legal consequences.
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