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Ground Definition & Meaning

1. The solid surface of the earth: the ground shook during the earthquake.


2. A basis or foundation for something: the research provided a solid ground for the theory.


3. A place or area of land: the camping ground was next to the lake.


4. Electrical connection between a circuit and the earth: the electrical device needs to be properly grounded to avoid accidents.


5. The reason or justification for something: the teacher gave a ground for the student's poor performance. example sentence: the dog dug a hole in the ground to bury its bone.


Examples of the word ground used in sentences.

  • The dog dug a hole in the ground to bury his bone.
  • I dropped my phone on the ground and the screen cracked.
  • The farmer sowed the seeds in the ground to grow vegetables.
  • The ground feels soft and cool under my feet.
  • The children played soccer on the grassy ground.
  • My mom plants vegetables in the ground to grow fresh produce.
  • I like to walk on solid ground rather than on a sandy beach.
  • You should always avoid touching electrical wires that are lying on the ground.
  • The concert was so crowded that people had to stand on the ground instead of sitting on chairs.
  • The ground shook when the earthquake hit our town.
  • The old building collapsed to the ground after the earthquake shook the town.
  • I accidentally dropped the glass mug, and it shattered into small pieces on the ground.
  • I prefer to walk on bare ground rather than on pavement, as it feels more natural under my feet.
  • The farmer plowed the ground in preparation for planting new crops in the spring.
  • The children had so much fun playing in the sandy ground at the beach.
  • The restaurant grinds their coffee beans fresh every morning to ensure the best flavor.
  • The teacher explained how soil erosion can damage the ground and affect our environment.
  • The athletes were covered in mud from head to toe after running the cross-country race on the wet ground.
  • The plane landed safely on the ground, and the passengers cheered in relief.
  • The ground shook with each step the giant took.
  • In the face of uncertainty and fluctuating markets, the successful entrepreneur remained grounded in their values and vision for their business. (business)
  • The restaurant's attention to sourcing locally grown ingredients not only supports the community but also ensures a fresh and grounded menu. (food)
  • After years of searching, the archaeologists finally uncovered the buried remains of an ancient civilization, a groundbreaking discovery that would change history. (history)
  • The environmental organization recognized the need to address the root causes of climate change and called for a collective effort to take action on the ground level. (environment)
  • Despite the challenging obstacles, the athlete held her ground and emerged victorious in the competition. (sports)
  • The political climate in the country was so unstable that it was hard to predict what would happen next, but some experts believe that a return to grounded, pragmatic policies is the only way forward.
  • The artist's latest exhibition pushes the boundaries of what is considered art, while still keeping its roots firmly grounded in traditional techniques.
  • Despite her accomplishments in the business world, she remained grounded and never lost sight of the importance of family and relationships.
  • The company's decision to expand into overseas markets required extensive research and analysis to ensure they were on solid ground financially and logistically.
  • The team's success at the competition was due in large part to their coach's ability to keep them grounded and focused on their goals.
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