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Gate Definition & Meaning

1. A movable barrier used to block an opening or entrance.

Example: The gate to the park was closed for maintenance.

2. An entrance or exit point, often associated with airports or train stations.

Example: We arrived at the gate just in time to catch our flight.

3. A device used to control the flow of electrical current.

Example: The gate in the circuit prevented the current from reaching the motor.

4. A scandal or controversy that involves high-profile individuals or organizations.

Example: The watergate scandal rocked the political world in the 1970s.

5. A slang term for a person's mouth.

Example: Shut your gate and listen to what i have to say.

Examples of the word gate used in sentences.

  • The gate to the park is locked at night.
  • I saw a bird fly over the gate.
  • The gate to the museum is open until 5pm.
  • My dog always waits by the gate for me to come home.
  • Can you please close the gate behind you?
  • The security guard is standing at the entrance gate of the building.
  • The passengers are waiting at the gate for their flight to be called.
  • The garden gate was left open and the dog escaped.
  • The gate to the park is locked after dark for safety reasons.
  • Please make sure to close the gate behind you when you leave.
  • The security guard at the gate checked my ID and boarding pass before letting me through.
  • I forgot my passport in my bag and had to go back to the gate to retrieve it.
  • We watched as the athlete crossed the finish line and broke through the gate to celebrate with his team.
  • The gate to the playground was locked for repairs, disappointing several children who had been looking forward to playing there.
  • The front gate of the mansion was adorned with intricate ironwork, giving it an air of elegance and grandeur.
  • The entrance gate to the palace was heavily guarded by the royal soldiers.
  • The protesters gathered outside the government building, blocking the main gate.
  • After passing through the security gate, we were allowed to board the plane.
  • The gate to the theme park was closed due to high winds.
  • The farmer forgot to close the gate properly and the sheep escaped from the field.
  • The famous director never opens the gates of his mansion to the public.
  • The garden gate creaked loudly every time someone came in or out.
  • The security guard stood by the gate, making sure no unauthorized people entered the premises.
  • As soon as the gate opened, the horses galloped out into the field.
  • After going through the airport gate, I realized I had left my boarding pass at home.
  • The ornate iron gate guarding the entrance to the historic mansion was a testament to the grandeur of an era long gone.
  • The garden gate creaked as Sarah pushed it open, revealing a colorful display of flowers and shrubs that she had carefully tended over the years.
  • As the airplane taxied towards the airport gate, the passengers eagerly awaited their arrival in a new city.
  • The security guard stood watch by the gate, scrutinizing each visitor before allowing them entry into the top-secret facility.
  • The imposing metal gate of the prison slammed shut behind him, and John realized that he was now truly a captive of his own mistakes.
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