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Game Definition & Meaning

1. A form of play or competition involving skill, strategy, or chance, often with rules and a goal.

Example: Let's play a game of chess.

2. A physical or mental activity pursued for enjoyment or amusement.

Example: She enjoys playing video games in her free time.

3. A particular type of activity or sport.

Example: Basketball is a popular game in the united states.

4. A game of chance, such as a lottery or gambling.

Example: He lost all his money playing a game of poker.

5. A social interaction or activity designed to build relationships or create a sense of community.

Example: The icebreaker game helped everyone get to know each other better.

Examples of the word game used in sentences.

  • The football game was so exciting that everyone was cheering loudly. (sport)
  • I want to buy a new video game for my brother's birthday. (gift)
  • Can we play a card game together after dinner? (invitation)
  • My little sister always wins the game of hide and seek because she's so good at hiding. (childhood game)
  • I like to play a game of chess with my grandpa every Sunday. (hobby)
  • We are planning to organize a board game night with friends.
  • His favorite game is chess, and he plays it every day.
  • I love playing game on my phone during long train journeys.
  • My little sister always wants to play a game of hide-and-seek with me.
  • I won the first prize in the game show with my teammate.
  • I have a big collection of board games and I always invite my friends over to play them on weekends.
  • My little brother loves playing video games on his PlayStation after school.
  • The football game between our school and the rival team was intense and exciting.
  • Our company is working on developing a new mobile game that we think will be a huge hit in the market.
  • Playing mind games with people, especially at work, is not a wise or ethical thing to do.
  • The stakes were high in the tightly-contested game between the two football teams, but ultimately the underdogs emerged victorious.
  • After a long day at work, Sarah would unwind by losing herself in a virtual reality game on her computer.
  • Despite being a hyperactive kid, Tom loved playing board games with his family on lazy Sundays.
  • As a self-proclaimed foodie, Laura considered trying out new recipes and experimenting with different ingredients in the kitchen a fun and challenging game.
  • Playing mind games with his colleagues was a favourite pastime for Jack, as it allowed him to gauge their strengths and weaknesses.
  • As an avid gamer, I find myself constantly seeking out new and exciting games to play.
  • One of the best ways to learn a new language is through language learning games and activities.
  • The game of chess has been a favorite pastime of intellectuals for centuries.
  • In business, playing the long game often means sacrificing short-term gains for the sake of long-term success.
  • Many modern video games feature complex storylines and characters that can rival those found in popular novels and films.
  • The political landscape of the country has turned into a dangerous game of power and influence.
  • Despite being a grandmaster at chess, the game still manages to surprise and challenge me.
  • As a teacher, I often incorporate educational games into my classroom to make learning more engaging for my students.
  • The new virtual reality game allows me to experience worlds beyond my wildest imagination.
  • The game of life is unpredictable, but with hard work and determination, anyone can achieve their dreams.
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