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Front Definition & Meaning

1. The part of something that faces forward or is most visible.

Example: The front of the house has a beautiful garden.

2. The area or position closest to the forefront or leading edge.

Example: The soldiers marched at the front of the parade.

3. The side or direction facing a particular point or object.

Example: The front of the car was damaged in the accident.

4. The facade or entrance of a building.

Example: The front of the store was decorated for the holiday season.

5. A person's outward appearance or attitude presented to others.

Example: He put on a brave front despite feeling nervous.

Examples of the word front used in sentences.

  • Please stand in front of the line.
  • I can see a beautiful view in front of me.
  • The teacher is standing at the front of the classroom.
  • The store is just in front of the cinema.
  • The cat is in front of the door.
  • The windscreen of the car was cracked at the front, so I had to replace it.
  • The front of the house has a beautiful garden with colorful flowers.
  • Can you please move to the front of the line?
  • The restaurant's front door was painted in bright red color.
  • I always sit in the front row of the theater to get a better view of the stage.
  • The paint on my car is peeling off at the front, and I've been meaning to take it to the garage for repairs.
  • The front of the house looked beautiful with its well-maintained garden and neatly trimmed hedges.
  • As soon as the concert started, I rushed to the front of the stage to get a better view of my favorite band.
  • My boss was so angry with me that she called me to the front of the office to give me a stern warning.
  • When we arrived at the cinema, the queue was so long that we had to wait at the front for nearly an hour.
  • The politician promised to address the economic issues affecting the front line workers.
  • The company's front desk is always busy with customers and calls.
  • She stood at the front of the classroom, ready to start the presentation.
  • The hotel room had a stunning view of the beach from the front balcony.
  • The front of the house had a beautiful garden with colorful flowers.
  • The front of the building was adorned with intricate carvings and imposing pillars.
  • The protests were met with police barricades that prevented the demonstrators from reaching the front of the government building.
  • The restaurant's front patio provided a stunning view of the sunset over the city skyline.
  • I can't believe he had the audacity to speak to me like that in front of everyone.
  • The team's star player suffered a devastating injury that will keep him out of the game for the foreseeable future, leaving the team without its strongest front man.
  • From the front row of the concert, I could feel every beat of the drums and every note of the guitar.
  • The front page of the newspaper was dominated by news of the latest political scandal, leaving many readers questioning the integrity of their leaders.
  • The breathtaking views from the front of the yacht as we sailed along the coast left me in awe of nature's beauty.
  • As the CEO, it's essential that I lead from the front and set a clear example for my team to follow.
  • The new restaurant was beautifully decorated with flowers and lights, and had a cozy front patio where we enjoyed a delicious dinner.
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