The little girl was frightened of the monster under her bed.
Don't jump out and frighten your sister like that again!
The horror movie really frightened me!
The loud thunder frightened the dog.
He was frightened when the car nearly hit him.
The loud thunder scared me and my dog.
I was so frightened when I saw the spider crawling towards me.
Don't frighten the children by showing them horror movies.
The thought of flying on a plane alone can frighten some people.
The loud noise outside at night frightened me and I couldn't sleep.
The sound of the barking dog frightened the mailman as he made his rounds.
The loud thunder frightened the small child.
The sudden movement of the spider across the wall frightened me.
The thought of speaking in public frightened me so much that I avoided it for years.
I don't like horror movies because they always frighten me.
I always feel frightened when I have to speak in front of a large group of people.
The horror movie I watched last night really frightened me.
The idea of losing my job and being unemployed period really frightens me.
I was frightened by the sound of glass breaking in the middle of the night.
The sudden thunderstorms during the night really frighten my dog.
The sudden loud noise startled me and it frightened my cat, who ran away.
I was frightened to discover a spider crawling on my pillow in the middle of the night.
Despite her fear of heights, she managed to conquer her anxiety and took the plunge, bungee jumping off a bridge.
The dark alley at night can be very frightening, especially for those who are alone.
The horror movie was so intense, it frightened even the bravest of viewers.
The mere mention of the word "snake" was enough to frighten the young girl, making her shiver with fear.
The thought of losing one's freedom is enough to frighten anyone who values their independence.
The concept of death can frighten some people, while others view it as a natural part of life.
The eerie silence of the abandoned house had the potential to frighten anyone who dared to enter.
The loud thunderclaps and flashes of lightening during the storm were enough to frighten even the bravest of souls.