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Frequently Definition & Meaning

1. Often or repeatedly; happening frequently or regularly.

Example: She frequently goes to the gym to stay in shape.

2. Occurring at short intervals; happening frequently or in quick succession.

Example: The train runs frequently during rush hour.

3. In a manner that is common or usual; happening frequently or typically.

Example: It is frequently raining in this part of the country.

4. In a way that is familiar or well-known; happening frequently or commonly.

Example: He frequently visits his hometown to see his family.

5. In a manner that is expected or anticipated; happening frequently or predictably.

Example: The company frequently releases new products to stay competitive in the market.

Examples of the word frequently used in sentences.

  • I frequently visit my grandmother on weekends.
  • She frequently practices her English by watching movies.
  • He frequently forgets his keys at home.
  • We frequently go to the park for a picnic.
  • They frequently have family dinners on Sunday.
  • My sister frequently complains about her job but never tries to find a new one.
  • My grandfather frequently tells stories about his childhood days, and we love to hear them.
  • I frequently forget to set my alarm clock and end up being late for work.
  • I frequently visit the park to refresh myself after a long day at work.
  • She frequently brushes her dog's fur to prevent matting and shedding.
  • My sister frequently listens to heavy metal music, which I find disturbing.
  • The restaurant frequently offers discounts on their menu items.
  • I frequently struggle with anxiety before giving a presentation.
  • I frequently visit my grandmother twice a week.
  • My boss frequently reminds me to submit my report on time.
  • She frequently attends yoga classes to maintain her physical and mental health.
  • The company frequently conducts surveys to gather feedback from their customers.
  • Due to the rainy weather, flights were frequently delayed causing inconvenience for travelers.
  • As a teacher, I frequently remind my students to double-check their work before submitting their assignments.
  • John frequently visits his parents on weekends to catch up and share stories about their week.
  • Dealing with difficult customers is an essential skill for any salesperson, and one that is frequently tested in the hyper-competitive retail industry.
  • As a successful entrepreneur, Mark frequently travels to different cities across the world for business meetings and networking events.
  • She frequently volunteers at the local animal shelter, walking dogs and caring for cats to help support the well-being of neglected pets.
  • It is not uncommon for university students to experience stress and anxiety, particularly during exam season when assessments and deadlines frequently pile up.
  • As a long-term smoker, Tom's health is at risk of developing chronic diseases, including lung cancer, which is frequently associated with this harmful habit.
  • Working in a fast-paced environment, I am frequently challenged to think on my feet and make quick decisions.
  • As a literature professor, I frequently delve into the intricacies of language and symbolism, examining the nuances of different literary works.
  • As a seasoned traveler, I frequently encounter different cultures and customs that broaden my horizons.
  • Being a fitness enthusiast, I frequently engage in high-intensity workouts to maintain my physical stamina and endurance.
  • The scientist frequently conducted experiments to test his theories, aiming to push the boundaries of his field.
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