The forecast for the movie was excellent, and it turned out to be a box office hit.
According to the economic forecast, the country's GDP will grow by 3% this year.
The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow.
The forecast for job opportunities in the tech industry looks promising for recent graduates.
She checked the forecast before going on a hike to avoid getting caught in the rain.
The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow.
The meteorologist predicted a strong hurricane in the forecast.
The forecast for travel this year has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The economic forecast for next year looks promising.
The stock market forecast looks like it will increase this quarter.
According to the weather forecast, it will rain heavily tonight.
The meteorologist's forecast proved to be accurate, as the storm hit the coast exactly as predicted.
Can you provide a sales forecast for the next quarter, please?
The latest business forecast shows a positive trend in the real estate sector.
The economic forecast suggests that the stock market will experience a sharp decline next month.
The weather forecast predicted a sunny day ahead, so I packed my picnic basket and headed to the park.
According to the economic forecast, the stock market is expected to decline in the next quarter.
The aviation industry is heavily reliant on weather forecasts to plan and prepare for safe takeoffs and landings.
The company's sales forecast for the year looks promising, with a projected increase of 10% from last year.
The political analyst's forecast for the upcoming election is a close race between the two major parties.
The economist's forecast predicted a slowdown in economic growth, leading to a fall in the stock market.
According to the latest weather forecast, it looks like there will be a storm coming this evening.
The forecast for tomorrow's traffic conditions shows heavy congestion, so we might want to consider taking an alternate route.
The financial forecast for the upcoming quarter looks promising, but we need to stay vigilant to keep up with the competition.
Based on our sales forecast for this season, we have decided to increase our marketing budget to boost revenue.
It is difficult to make a forecast about the future of the healthcare system, given the complex and ever-changing landscape of public policy and medical research.
Based on the latest economic indicators, analysts are anticipating a downturn in the stock market and a bleak forecast for the upcoming quarter.
The meteorologist's forecast seems to be spot on, as the skies darken and the wind begins to pick up speed.
Climate change could have a significant impact on the weather patterns in the coming years, and scientists are working hard to improve their forecast models and predict potential effects on the environment.
The company's financial forecast for this year is looking much brighter than last year's disappointing performance, thanks to a series of strategic investments and cost-cutting measures.