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For Definition & Meaning

1. As a preposition, "for" can indicate the purpose or intended use of something.

Example: I bought this book for my sister's birthday present.

2. "for" can also indicate a duration of time.

Example: I will be on vacation for two weeks.

3. As a conjunction, "for" can introduce a reason or explanation.

Example: I didn't go to the party, for i was feeling sick.

4. "for" can also indicate a recipient or beneficiary.

Example: I made dinner for my family.

5. In some cases, "for" can be used as a substitute for "because" or "since".

Example: For it was raining, we decided to stay inside.

Examples of the word for used in sentences.

  • For breakfast, I had scrambled eggs and toast.
  • For my health, I try to exercise every day and eat nutritious food.
  • For my birthday, my friends gave me a surprise party.
  • For my job interview, I wore a nice suit and practiced answering common questions beforehand.
  • For entertainment, I enjoy reading books and watching movies.
  • The doctor prescribed some medicine for my headache.
  • For my job interview, I wore a suit and tie.
  • I need to study for my English exam tomorrow.
  • For my birthday, I want a new bicycle.
  • We usually have toast and eggs for breakfast.
  • For me, the best way to start a day is to have a cup of coffee.
  • I'm saving up for a vacation to Japan next year.
  • It's important to thank people for their help and support.
  • For the sake of our health, we should try to eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • For many people, learning a new language is challenging but rewarding.
  • For some people, learning a new language can be an exciting challenge.
  • For safety reasons, make sure to wear your seatbelt when driving.
  • It's important to eat a balanced diet, for good health and well-being.
  • Her passion for music led her to become a professional pianist.
  • I always carry an umbrella with me, just in case it rains, for I hate getting wet.
  • The company's CEO expressed his gratitude for the hard work and dedication of his employees during the annual meeting.
  • It's important to read the ingredients list carefully for any potential allergens before trying new foods.
  • For some individuals, taking a long walk in nature is an effective way to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
  • After much consideration, the government decided to increase funding for mental health services across the country.
  • For all his complaining, John couldn't deny the positive impact his new job had on his life.
  • Having a balanced diet and exercise regime is vital for a healthy life, but it is equally important to take care of our mental well-being too.
  • For those who aspire to become a great leader, it is important to lead by example rather than just giving instructions.
  • Despite the criticism he received for his bold decision, the CEO stood firm for the betterment of the company.
  • For centuries, literature has been a medium for conveying complex ideas and emotions that are difficult to express otherwise.
  • For the sake of our environment, we should switch to renewable energy sources rather than relying on non-renewable ones.
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