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Foot Definition & Meaning

1. The lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks.

Example: She hurt her foot while playing soccer.

2. A unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches or


3. 48 centimeters.

Example: The room is 10 feet long.

4. The part of a sewing machine that holds and controls the fabric as it is sewn.

Example: She adjusted the foot on her sewing machine to sew a straight line.

5. A unit of poetic meter consisting of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Example: The poem is written in iambic pentameter, with five feet per line.

6. A unit of a specified height, especially in relation to the sea level.

Example: The mountain peak is 14,000 feet above sea level.

Examples of the word foot used in sentences.

  • I saw a caterpillar crawling on the ground with many feet.
  • I hurt my foot when I accidentally kicked the table.
  • The sand on the beach was warm and comfortable under my feet.
  • My sister wears size 8 in shoes because she has small feet.
  • My dog likes to lick my feet whenever I come home from work.
  • I enjoy taking long walks on the beach, feeling the sand beneath my feet.
  • The soccer player scored a goal with his left foot.
  • Can you please take off your shoes and keep your feet off the sofa?
  • My new shoes have enough space for my wide feet.
  • The trail was rocky and I stubbed my foot on a tree root.
  • My aunt always wears high heels, which make her feet ache by the end of the day.
  • Walking barefoot on the beach is one of my favorite summer activities.
  • I accidentally stepped on my dog's foot, causing him to yelp in pain.
  • After hiking all day, my foot was sore and swollen.
  • The soccer player tripped and fell, injuring his foot.
  • Can you believe the size of the footprint left behind by the dinosaur in the museum exhibit?
  • I accidentally stepped on a sharp rock and had to examine my foot for any injuries.
  • As a nature enthusiast, I always make sure to leave no trace behind and tread lightly on the forest floor with my feet.
  • The athlete's swift footwork allowed her to maneuver around her opponents with ease.
  • After a long day of standing on my feet, I was grateful to sit down and rest.
  • After months of snow and freezing temperatures, the first signs of spring brought renewed hope and joy to everyone's foot-weary spirits.
  • The waiter almost tripped over the customer's outstretched foot, causing a near-disaster in the crowded restaurant.
  • Despite her ankle injury, Jane refused to let her foot keep her from completing her marathon.
  • The dancer's nimble footwork wowed the audience with its fluidity and grace.
  • The archaeologist carefully brushed away the dirt to reveal the ancient footprint left by the long-lost civilization.
  • The ballerina's delicate footwork was the highlight of the graceful performance.
  • The Olympic sprinter's swift feet propelled him to the finish line in record time.
  • The hiker's feet were sore and blistered after trekking through the rugged terrain for hours.
  • The chef expertly sliced the garlic with the sharp edge of his foot-long knife.
  • The detective inspected the scene of the crime, carefully noting the footprints left in the mud.
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