I can faintly hear the sound of birds chirping outside my window.
The scent of flowers in the air was faintly noticeable.
The sun was setting, and the sky was faintly orange and pink.
She could faintly smell the aroma of fresh coffee in the morning.
The faded writing on the old book was only faintly legible.
She smiled faintly at his joke, but didn't laugh.
I could see a faintly visible trail leading up the hill.
I could hear music faintly in the background.
The smell of flowers was faintly noticeable in the air.
The memories of our childhood came back to me faintly.
I could smell the faintly sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies coming from the kitchen.
She smiled faintly as she remembered the fond memories of her childhood.
The sound of the birds chirping could be faintly heard from my window.
Although it was faintly lit, the path was still visible in the moonlight.
The painting's details were faintly visible due to its old age.
She could hear the faintly audible sound of birds chirping in the background.
The politician's promises rang faintly in the ears of the disillusioned crowd.
The smell of freshly baked goods wafted faintly from the nearby bakery.
The colors of the sunset were faintly visible through the thick fog.
The memory of their first kiss still lingered faintly in the back of his mind.
Despite being in a noisy room, I could still hear the faintly soothing sound of the ocean waves.
The memory of her smile still lingered faintly in my mind, even after all these years.
As the sun began to rise, the colors of the sky became faintly visible in the early morning light.
Looking out of the train window, I could faintly make out the silhouette of the mountains in the distance.
The scent of fresh coffee wafted faintly through the air as I entered the café.
The scent of freshly bloomed flowers filled the air, faintly reminding me of my mother's garden back home.
The memories of my grandmother's house are still present, faintly tinged with the sweet smell of baked apple pie.
Though the music from the party was faintly audible from outside, the starry sky and peaceful atmosphere beckoned me to stay outside a while longer.
As the sun began to set on the horizon, I could faintly hear the sound of ocean waves crashing against the shore.
Even after all these years, I could still faintly taste the bitterness of defeat in my mouth when I thought about that game.