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Extraordinary Definition & Meaning

1. Beyond what is usual or expected; exceptional.

Example: The athlete's performance was extraordinary, breaking several world records.

2. Remarkable or impressive in quality or degree.

Example: The chef's culinary skills were extraordinary, creating a dish that was both beautiful and delicious.

3. Unusually great or significant.

Example: The company's profits were extraordinary this quarter, exceeding all previous records.

4. Surpassing the ordinary or average.

Example: The artist's work was extraordinary, displaying a level of creativity and skill that was unmatched.

5. Having a special or unique quality.

Example: The view from the mountaintop was extraordinary, offering a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding landscape.

Examples of the word extraordinary used in sentences.

  • The singer's voice was extraordinary, it gave me goosebumps.
  • I had an extraordinary dream last night, I flew to the moon and back.
  • My trip to Paris was extraordinary, I saw beautiful sights and tasted delicious food.
  • Yesterday, my friend did an extraordinary job at his presentation.
  • The view from the mountain top was extraordinary, I could see the entire city.
  • I had an extraordinary experience hiking in the mountains last weekend.
  • My grandmother's homemade lasagna is truly extraordinary and always a hit at family gatherings.
  • The athlete's performance at the competition was extraordinary - they broke a world record!
  • The new movie was extraordinary and kept me on the edge of my seat.
  • The scientist made an extraordinary discovery that could change the course of medicine.
  • She was an extraordinary singer, captivating the audience with every note she hit.
  • The view from the mountaintop was extraordinary, with rolling hills and lush greenery as far as the eye could see.
  • The architect's design of the building was truly extraordinary, with unique features and attention to detail throughout.
  • The team's win over the reigning champions was an extraordinary achievement, given their underdog status.
  • He had an extraordinary ability to read people's emotions, often knowing exactly how someone felt before they even spoke a word.
  • The chef's culinary skills were extraordinary, leaving everyone amazed at the flavors served.
  • The team's performance was extraordinary, scoring five goals in the last ten minutes of the game.
  • The scientific discovery made by the researchers was extraordinary, as it could revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry.
  • His courage in the face of danger was extraordinary, as he risked his life to save his fellow soldiers.
  • Her artistic talent was extraordinary, as seen through her intricate and stunning paintings.
  • She possessed an extraordinary talent for playing the piano, leaving the audience in awe.
  • The courage and resilience shown by the victims of the disaster was nothing short of extraordinary.
  • The amount of effort and dedication he put into his work was truly extraordinary.
  • The show was an extraordinary display of acrobatics and athleticism.
  • The extraordinary views from the mountaintop took our breath away.
  • The chef's ability to blend flavors and textures together in such an extraordinary way made for an unforgettable dining experience.
  • The level of craftsmanship and detail in this sculpture is truly extraordinary.
  • The extraordinary bravery displayed by the firefighters during the blaze was nothing short of heroic.
  • The performance of the pianist last night was absolutely extraordinary and left the audience in awe.
  • The technology used to create this new device is truly extraordinary and represents a major breakthrough in the industry.
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