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Expose Definition & Meaning

1. To reveal or make something known or visible to others.

Example: The journalist's article exposed the corruption within the government.

2. To subject something or someone to a harmful or unpleasant situation.

Example: The workers were exposed to hazardous chemicals without proper protective gear.

3. To uncover or remove a covering or protection from something.

Example: The wind storm exposed the roof's weak spots.

4. To display or exhibit something in public.

Example: The art gallery will expose the artist's latest works.

5. To make someone vulnerable or susceptible to something.

Example: The lack of vaccinations exposed the child to various diseases.

Examples of the word expose used in sentences.

  • The art gallery will expose the works of talented artists from around the world.
  • The doctor advised him to avoid exposing himself to allergens.
  • The documentary will expose the corrupt practices of the politician.
  • The sun can expose your skin to harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • Please don't expose the sensitive information to unauthorized individuals.
  • The sun exposure caused my skin to turn red.
  • The documentary was created to expose the truth behind the corrupt system.
  • I won't expose my personal information to anyone online.
  • The strong winds exposed the fragile branches of the tree.
  • The journalist uncovered a scandal that exposed the unethical practices of the company.
  • The young artist was excited to expose his latest artwork to the art community during the upcoming exhibition.
  • The company decided to expose its financial report to the public to showcase its transparency.
  • Through the documentary, the filmmaker was able to expose the harsh living conditions of the homeless people in the city.
  • After years of hiding his identity, the spy finally decided to expose himself to save his fellow agents.
  • The journalist was determined to expose the corruption scandals of the politician.
  • The new policy will expose employees to more training opportunities and career development.
  • The vaccine campaign aims to expose the population to the benefits of immunization and herd immunity.
  • The art exhibit exposes the audience to different perspectives and cultural experiences.
  • The documentary exposed the harsh truth about the conditions of sweatshops around the world.
  • The recent scandal has exposed the company's unethical practices to the public eye.
  • The whistleblower chose to expose the corrupt practices of the company to the public.
  • The art exhibit aims to expose the viewer to different cultural perspectives and styles.
  • The detective worked tirelessly to expose the truth and bring justice to the victim's family.
  • The documentary exposed the harsh realities of child labor in developing countries.
  • The pandemic has exposed the flaws in our healthcare system and brought attention to the need for reform.
  • The documentary film seeks to expose the environmental damage caused by industrialization.
  • It's important to expose children to different cultures and lifestyles to broaden their worldview.
  • The whistleblower's brave act helped to expose the unethical conduct of the company.
  • The journalist's investigation exposed the corrupt practices of the government officials.
  • The artist's work aims to expose the systemic inequalities and injustices in our society.
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