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Explosion Definition & Meaning

1. A sudden and violent release of energy, often resulting in a loud noise and destruction of surrounding objects.

Example: The explosion of the fireworks lit up the night sky.

2. A rapid increase in size or intensity.

Example: The popularity of the new restaurant caused an explosion in business.

3. A sudden outburst of emotion or activity.

Example: The announcement of the winner caused an explosion of cheers from the crowd.

4. A burst of creativity or inspiration.

Example: The artist's mind was filled with an explosion of ideas.

5. A sudden and rapid expansion or growth.

Example: The tech industry experienced an explosion of innovation in the past decade.

Examples of the word explosion used in sentences.

  • The movie had an explosion scene that made me jump out of my seat.
  • The fireworks show ended with a colorful explosion in the sky.
  • The chef added some spice to the dish, creating an explosion of flavors in my mouth.
  • The gas leak caused a massive explosion in the factory.
  • There was a loud explosion near my house last night.
  • The loud explosion frightened the animals living nearby.
  • The city was left in ruins after the massive explosion at the port.
  • The explosion of social media has changed the way we communicate.
  • The fireworks show ended with a spectacular explosion of colors.
  • The explosion in the kitchen was caused by a gas leak.
  • The sudden explosion of laughter made everyone in the room feel at ease.
  • After the explosion, the firefighters rushed to the scene to put out the flames.
  • The loud explosion shook the entire neighborhood.
  • The economic crisis led to an explosion of protest movements across the country.
  • The explosion of new technology has greatly impacted our daily lives.
  • The loud explosion shattered the windows of nearby buildings, causing panic among the residents.
  • The explosion of social media has significantly impacted the way people consume and share information.
  • The massive explosion in the chemical plant resulted in numerous casualties and extensive property damage.
  • The intense explosion of flavors in my mouth made me savor every bite of the exotic dish.
  • The scientific team conducted a controlled explosion to test the efficiency of their new technology.
  • The explosion of colors in the flower garden was breathtakingly beautiful.
  • The news of the gas pipeline explosion terrified the residents of the nearby town.
  • The explosion of creative ideas in the brainstorming session left everyone feeling inspired.
  • The sudden explosion of noise shook the peaceful atmosphere of the library and startled everyone.
  • The economic recession resulted in an explosion of budget cuts and layoffs in many companies.
  • The explosion of creativity that occurred during the Renaissance led to countless masterpieces that still inspire awe today.
  • The sudden explosion of violence on the streets was a sobering reminder of just how fraught our society can be.
  • The explosion of interest in sustainability has led to a proliferation of green technologies and initiatives.
  • The explosion of information available online has fundamentally changed the way we learn and access knowledge.
  • The explosion in popularity of yoga has helped millions of people achieve greater physical and mental wellbeing.
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