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Embarrassment Definition & Meaning

1. A feeling of shame or awkwardness caused by something that is humiliating or uncomfortable.

Example: She felt a deep sense of embarrassment when she realized she had worn her shirt inside out all day.

2. A situation that causes someone to feel ashamed or uncomfortable.

Example: It was an embarrassment for the team when they lost to a much weaker opponent.

3. A state of being in which one's actions or words cause discomfort or awkwardness for oneself or others.

Example: His inappropriate joke caused an awkward silence and a feeling of embarrassment in the room.

4. A condition of being exposed or revealed in a way that is uncomfortable or humiliating.

Example: The celebrity's embarrassing photos went viral, causing her great embarrassment.

5. A feeling of self-consciousness or unease caused by one's own actions or mistakes.

Example: She felt a sense of embarrassment after realizing she had accidentally sent a personal email to her entire office.

Examples of the word embarrassment used in sentences.

  • I felt embarrassment when I fell down in front of everyone at the party.
  • She tried to hide her embarrassment when her boss caught her making a mistake.
  • He had a look of embarrassment on his face when he realized he forgot his wallet.
  • I felt a moment of embarrassment when I realized I had been talking too loudly in the library.
  • The student's face turned red with embarrassment when she was unable to answer the teacher's question.
  • I don't like to dance in public because I'm afraid of embarrassing myself.
  • When my parents kissed me goodbye in front of my friends, it caused me a lot of embarrassment.
  • The teacher called on me in class and I couldn't answer the question, causing me great embarrassment.
  • I felt a lot of embarrassment when I tripped and fell in front of everyone at the party.
  • I was so embarrassed when I accidentally sent that email to the wrong person.
  • She spoke with great embarrassment as she confessed to forgetting her best friend's birthday.
  • He tried to hide his embarrassment when his phone rang loudly in a quiet meeting.
  • I felt a sense of embarrassment when I realized I had mispronounced my colleague's name.
  • His face turned red with embarrassment when he realized he was wearing mismatched socks.
  • The comedian's joke caused a lot of embarrassment for the audience member who was the subject of the joke.
  • Mark's face turned red with embarrassment when he accidentally spilled his drink on his shirt during the job interview.
  • It was an embarrassment to the company when their product failed to meet the safety standards.
  • After forgetting her lines during the play, Emily felt a deep sense of embarrassment in front of the audience.
  • Jane felt a wave of embarrassment when she realized she had mispronounced a word during the business meeting.
  • Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of embarrassment when her boss praised her in front of her colleagues.
  • Her face turned red with embarrassment when she realized she had accidentally sent a private text message to her boss.
  • His embarrassment was palpable as he stumbled over his words during the important presentation.
  • The CEO couldn't hide his embarrassment when it was revealed that the company had been sued for discrimination.
  • Despite her embarrassment, the student knew she had to ask the professor for clarification on the confusing assignment.
  • As she tripped on the stairs, she felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her in front of her crush.
  • The academic's embarrassment was compounded when she realized she had misattributed a key quote in her dissertation.
  • It was a source of great embarrassment for the family when their son was arrested for stealing from a convenience store.
  • The actor's face turned red with embarrassment when he realized he had forgotten his lines on stage.
  • Despite her years of experience, the CEO couldn't hide her embarrassment when she was caught in a lie.
  • The politician's embarrassment was palpable as he stumbled over his words during the televised debate.
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