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Disgust Definition & Meaning

1. Disgust: a feeling of strong revulsion or aversion towards something unpleasant or offensive.

Example: The sight of the rotting food in the fridge filled me with disgust.

2. Disgust: a strong feeling of disapproval or contempt towards someone or something.

Example: His behavior at the party was so inappropriate that it filled me with disgust.

3. Disgust: to cause someone to feel disgusted.

Example: The smell of the garbage made me feel disgusted.

4. Disgust: a physical reaction to something unpleasant, such as nausea or vomiting.

Example: The taste of the spoiled milk made me feel disgust.

5. Disgust: to reject or refuse something strongly.

Example: I have such a disgust for violence that i cannot watch movies with graphic scenes.

Examples of the word disgust used in sentences.

  • I felt disgust when I saw the old rotten apple on the ground.
  • It disgusted me when my friend burped loudly in public.
  • The smell of the garbage left me in disgust.
  • I felt disgust when I tasted the spoiled milk.
  • The slimy texture of the snail disgusted me.
  • It disgusts me how politicians can lie so blatantly to the public.
  • It disgusts me how some people can be cruel to animals.
  • I feel disgust when I see people littering in public spaces.
  • The smell of raw fish disgusts me.
  • The thought of eating fried insects disgusts me to no end.
  • The sight of blood always disgusts me, but I managed to keep calm during the accident.
  • His rude behavior towards the waiter disgusted me, and I decided not to see him again.
  • The news of yet another corruption scandal in the government disgusted many people in the country.
  • I find it disgusting how much plastic waste accumulates in our oceans and harms marine life.
  • The thought of eating raw meat disgusts me, but some people enjoy it as a delicacy.
  • The smell of the room filled me with disgust, making me want to leave immediately.
  • The way some people treat animals can be a source of disgust for many people, myself included.
  • The sight of the overflowing garbage bins in the park caused a wave of disgust among the locals who were enjoying their afternoon stroll.
  • The politician's dishonest behaviour left me feeling nothing but disgust towards him and his party.
  • The thought of having to eat snails filled me with disgust, but I knew it was considered a delicacy in some cultures.
  • The smell emanating from the garbage bin was absolutely disgusting.
  • The politician's blatant lies and corruption filled me with disgust.
  • The thought of eating snails with garlic butter was enough to disgust me.
  • It's disgusting how some people can treat others based on their race or ethnicity.
  • I found it quite disgusting how some people can neglect their pets.
  • The way that certain companies prioritize profit over the safety and well-being of their workers disgusts me deeply, as it shows a complete lack of empathy and humanity.
  • The state of my apartment disgusts me, as I find it impossible to focus in such an untidy and disorganized environment.
  • The politicians' complete disregard for the welfare of their constituents disgusts me; they have all but forgotten the people they were elected to serve.
  • The thought of someone who would harm a child disgusts me on every level, as I believe that they are our most vulnerable and in need of protection.
  • The thought of eating meat disgusts me, as I am a devout vegan for ethical reasons.
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