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Dinner Definition & Meaning

1. Dinner refers to the main meal of the day, typically eaten in the evening.

Example: We had a delicious dinner of roasted chicken and vegetables last night.

2. Dinner can also refer to a formal evening meal, often served at a special event or occasion.

Example: The company held a fancy dinner to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

3. Dinner can be used as a verb to describe the act of eating the main meal of the day.

Example: We usually dinner at around 7 pm every night.

4. In some cultures, dinner may refer to a midday meal, while in others it is strictly an evening meal.

Example: In spain, dinner is usually eaten much later in the evening than in the united states.

5. Dinner can also refer to the place or setting where a meal is eaten.

Example: The restaurant had a cozy and inviting dinner atmosphere.

Examples of the word dinner used in sentences.

  • For our anniversary, my husband and I went to a fancy restaurant for dinner.
  • I eat dinner at home with my family every day.
  • Yesterday I had pasta for dinner and it was delicious.
  • At the dinner party last night, we had a lot of fun playing games.
  • I'm going to make chicken for dinner tonight, would you like to join me?
  • I always have dinner with my family at 6:30 pm.
  • Last night, we had spicy chicken for dinner and it was delicious.
  • I'm starving! Let's order some pizza for dinner.
  • After a long day at work, I'm too tired to cook dinner tonight.
  • Would you like to come over for dinner and watch a movie?
  • I'm sorry, but I can't make it to the dinner party tonight, I have to work late at the office.
  • When we go out for dinner, my boyfriend and I like to try different cuisines from around the world.
  • It was nice to meet you at the dinner last week, let's keep in touch and set up another get-together soon!
  • We always have a family dinner on Sundays, it's a great way to catch up with each other's busy lives!
  • I was so full after dinner last night, I think I ate too much of my mom's lasagna.
  • I love trying out new recipes for dinner, and last night's experiment with grilled shrimp turned out surprisingly well.
  • After a long day at work, I enjoy cooking a hearty dinner for my family.
  • Due to my dietary restrictions, I always have to be mindful of what I eat at dinner time.
  • Last night's dinner party was a huge success, thanks to the delicious food and great company.
  • We decided to have dinner at that new Italian restaurant downtown.
  • Despite feeling exhausted after work, I always make time for a home-cooked dinner, as it's a chance to unwind and spend time with my family.
  • After a strenuous workout, I like to replenish my energy with a protein-rich dinner, consisting of grilled chicken, roasted veggies, and a side of quinoa or brown rice.
  • Whenever we have guests over for dinner, my partner and I like to impress them with our culinary skills, experimenting with new recipes and dishes from around the world.
  • During the holiday season, my family and I look forward to our annual tradition of preparing a festive dinner together, complete with all the trimmings, from the succulent turkey to the decadent pumpkin pie.
  • Having grown up in France, I can attest to the fact that the French view dinner as an opportunity to nourish the body while indulging in delicious food and conversation.
  • 4) As a vegan, I researched innovative recipes to prepare an exquisite plant-based dinner for my family.
  • 3) The extravagant dinner party hosted by the charity organization raised over $100,000 for the homeless shelter.
  • 1) After a long day at work, I indulged in a delectable dinner of grilled salmon and roasted vegetables.
  • 5) The new upscale restaurant in town serves a five-course dinner paired with carefully selected wines from around the world.
  • 2) My friend and I caught up over a delicious Italian dinner at a cozy trattoria in the city center.
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