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Detailed Definition & Meaning

1. Providing thorough information or explanations about something.

Example: The report was very detailed and included all the necessary information.

2. Having many small parts or features.

Example: The model airplane had a lot of detailed parts that needed to be assembled.

3. Involving close attention to specific aspects or elements.

Example: The artist spent hours on the detailed shading of the portrait.

4. Being precise or exact in describing or representing something.

Example: The map was very detailed and showed all the roads and landmarks in the area.

5. Being elaborate or ornate in design or decoration.

Example: The wedding dress was incredibly detailed with intricate lace and beading.

Examples of the word detailed used in sentences.

  • The teacher provided a very detailed explanation of the lesson.
  • I need a detailed map to find my way around the city.
  • The manual for the product comes with a detailed step-by-step guide.
  • Can you give me a detailed description of your hometown?
  • The job requires someone who is good at providing detailed reports.
  • The report provides a detailed analysis of the company's financial performance.
  • The instructions were very detailed, making it easy for me to assemble the bookshelf.
  • The travel itinerary provided a detailed overview of the places we would be visiting.
  • The detective asked for a detailed description of the suspect's appearance.
  • My teacher said I need to provide a more detailed explanation for my answer.
  • The instructions for assembling the cabinet were very detailed, making it easy to follow.
  • The detective examined the crime scene in a detailed manner, looking for any clues that could help solve the case.
  • Prior to the interview, the recruiter sent a detailed job description to the candidates to help them prepare better.
  • The report provided detailed information on the company's financial performance last year.
  • In her thesis, she presented a detailed analysis of the effects of climate change on the local ecosystem.
  • Before making a decision, it's important to have a detailed understanding of all the potential outcomes.
  • The instructions were very detailed, leaving little room for interpretation.
  • The museum exhibit was incredibly informative, with detailed explanations of each artifact on display.
  • The report provided a detailed analysis of the company's financial performance over the past year.
  • The project manager requested a detailed breakdown of the team's progress in order to identify any potential roadblocks.
  • The detective's investigation was thorough and detailed, leaving no stone unturned in his search for answers.
  • The technical document provided a detailed description of the product's features and how it functions, making it easier for consumers to understand.
  • As a seasoned artist, the painter always pays close attention to every little detail when creating a new masterpiece to ensure that its beauty shines through.
  • The chef's recipe called for a detailed list of ingredients and specific cooking instructions to ensure that the dish turned out just right.
  • The scientist's report contained detailed analysis of the data collected during the experiment, providing valuable insights into the findings.
  • The architect showed us a detailed blueprint of the building design during the construction planning phase.
  • The detailed analysis of the financial statement revealed some irregularities that were previously unnoticed.
  • The travel guide offered a detailed itinerary for the city tour, including all the interesting landmarks and historical sites.
  • The instructor gave us a detailed explanation of the complex mathematical concept until we fully understood it.
  • The researcher provided a detailed description of the data collection process in his research paper.
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