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Description Definition & Meaning

1. A statement that gives details about something or someone.

Example: The job description listed the necessary qualifications and responsibilities.

2. A representation or portrayal of something in words or pictures.

Example: The artist's description of the sunset was so vivid that it felt like i was there.

3. The act of describing or explaining something.

Example: The tour guide's description of the historical site was very informative.

4. A summary or overview of something.

Example: The book's description on the back cover gave me a good idea of what to expect.

5. A classification or categorization of something.

Example: The description of the product on the website helped me decide which model to purchase.

Examples of the word description used in sentences.

  • I need a description of the job responsibilities.
  • This is a description of my hometown.
  • I am trying to write a description of my favorite food.
  • Can you give me a brief description of the movie's plot?
  • He gave a great description of his trip to the beach.
  • Could you give me a brief description of your hometown?
  • The job advertisement didn't provide a clear description of the role.
  • I asked for a description of the dress code before the interview.
  • The recipe's description was easy to follow, resulting in a delicious meal.
  • The tour guide's description of the historical site was very engaging.
  • The travel brochure had a vivid description of the stunning scenery in the destination.
  • The witness gave an excellent description of the suspect's appearance to the police.
  • The real estate agent provided an accurate description of the property's features and amenities.
  • The art gallery displayed a detailed description of each artwork, including its history and significance.
  • The job description clearly states the requirements and responsibilities of the position.
  • The job description clearly stated the necessary qualifications for the position.
  • The real estate agent gave a detailed description of the property to the interested buyer.
  • The restaurant menu had a mouth-watering description of the signature dish.
  • The witness provided a vivid description of the suspect's appearance to the police.
  • The travel blogger's description of the stunning landscapes in the national park inspired me to plan a trip there.
  • The real estate agent's description of the spacious backyard and modern amenities convinced me to put in an offer on the house.
  • The witness' description of the suspect's clothing helped the police identify and apprehend the perpetrator.
  • The museum's audio guide provided a detailed description of the artist's life and work.
  • The travel blogger's vivid description of the sunset on the beach made me want to pack my bags and head to the coast.
  • The restaurant's menu offered tantalizing descriptions of the dishes, leaving us eager to try everything on the menu.
  • The museum's audio guide provided an informative description of the history behind each exhibit.
  • The job posting provided a detailed description of the required qualifications and responsibilities.
  • The author's vivid description of the sunset painted a breathtaking picture in the reader's mind.
  • The chef's menu included a tantalizing description of the restaurant's signature dish, tempting diners to try it.
  • The police officer provided a precise description of the suspect's appearance, aiding in his capture.
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