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Departure Definition & Meaning

1. Departure refers to the act of leaving a place or starting a journey.

Example: The departure of the train was delayed by an hour.

2. Departure can also mean a deviation from the usual or expected course of action.

Example: The company's departure from traditional marketing strategies led to increased sales.

3. Departure can refer to the act of dying or passing away.

Example: The sudden departure of her grandfather left her devastated.

4. Departure can also mean a change or transition from one state or condition to another.

Example: His departure from his old job marked a new chapter in his career.

5. Departure can refer to the act of withdrawing or separating oneself from a group or situation.

Example: Her departure from the political party was met with mixed reactions.

Examples of the word departure used in sentences.

  • I missed my flight due to a delayed departure.
  • What time is the departure for the train to Paris?
  • We said goodbye to our friends at the departure gate.
  • The departure of the bus was delayed because of heavy traffic.
  • My aunt's departure to Australia is next week.
  • The team's departure from the championship was unexpected.
  • My departure from the airport was delayed due to bad weather.
  • The departure of my flight was announced on the speaker.
  • The departure of the train is at 10:30 in the morning.
  • We were sad to bid farewell to our friend at his departure.
  • The departure of the CEO led to a significant change in the company's policies.
  • We were all emotional at the departure of our beloved teacher who was retiring.
  • The train's departure was delayed by an hour due to some technical issues.
  • The departure of the summer season brings in the much-awaited monsoon in our region.
  • My flight departure time is at 6pm, so we should leave for the airport at 3pm.
  • After several delays, the departure of our flight was finally announced.
  • The company's decision to close one of its branches led to the departure of several employees.
  • We witnessed the emotional departure of a soldier heading off to serve his country.
  • The departure of our beloved teacher left a void in our classroom.
  • The departure of the tour bus left us stranded in an unfamiliar city.
  • For many students, graduation marks the departure from their academic pursuits and the start of their professional careers.
  • Though she was hesitant at first, the young woman finally made the decision to leave her abusive partner and begin a new life, marking her departure from a difficult past.
  • The departure of the ship from the harbor was a momentous occasion, marked by a grand celebration and fanfare.
  • The airline announced a delay in the departure time, causing frustration and inconvenience for all passengers waiting at the gate.
  • After the initial shock of my sudden departure, my colleagues were left to pick up the pieces and carry on with the project without me.
  • The departure of her best friend after a long visit left her feeling lonely and forlorn.
  • The sea of passengers at the airport was overwhelming, and the announcement of the delayed departure did not help matters.
  • The deadline for the project is fast approaching, and his departure would be a major setback.
  • John's departure from his job was unexpected, it was speculated he had better job offers elsewhere.
  • His sudden departure from the party left everyone in shock.
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