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Define Definition & Meaning

1. To state or describe the precise meaning of a word or phrase.

Example: Can you define the term "metaphor" for me?

2. To establish the boundaries or limits of something.

Example: The new policy will define the scope of our project.

3. To give a clear and concise explanation of a concept or idea.

Example: The professor tried to define the concept of democracy to the class.

4. To specify or determine the nature or characteristics of something.

Example: The job description will define the responsibilities of the new hire.

5. To mark out or distinguish something from others.

Example: The unique features of the building define it as a landmark in the city.

Examples of the word define used in sentences.

  • How would you define the word "happy"?
  • I don't understand this new concept, can you define it for me in simpler terms?
  • Can you define the term "water cycle" for me?
  • Please define what a pencil is used for.
  • Can you define the word "dog" for me?
  • Can you define what "sarcasm" is?
  • Can you define the term "global warming"?
  • Please define the word "bittersweet" for me.
  • My teacher asked me to define the word "metaphor" in my essay.
  • I need you to define what "opportunity cost" means.
  • The teacher asked the students to define the term "photosynthesis" during the science lesson.
  • The report aims to define the factors that contribute to the high rate of unemployment among young people in the country.
  • To a lot of people, success is defined differently, so it's essential to determine what it means to you personally.
  • Can you define the word "dystopian" for me? I’m not quite sure what it means.
  • The new regulations define the requirements for obtaining a driver's license in this state.
  • It's important to define clear goals for your project before getting started.
  • Let's define the responsibilities of each team member to ensure a smooth workflow.
  • The dictionary defines the word "eclectic" as deriving inspiration from a diverse range of sources.
  • Could you define the term "freedom of speech" for me?
  • Can you define the concept of sustainable development?
  • Can you define the concept of existentialism for me?
  • The marketing team needs to define their target audience before launching the campaign.
  • The dictionary defines the word "quintessential" as being the purest or most perfect example of something.
  • The author attempts to define the complex relationship between spirituality and mental health in their latest book.
  • It's important for companies to define their values and mission statement in order to attract the right employees and customers.
  • The purpose of this essay is to define and critically analyze the concept of social justice.
  • The legal system does not explicitly define what constitutes as "fair use" of copyrighted material, leaving it up to interpretation.
  • To truly define beauty, one must look beyond physical appearance and appreciate inner qualities.
  • In scientific research, precise parameters must be defined to ensure accuracy and reproducibility.
  • It is difficult to define success as it means different things to different people.
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