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Curtain Definition & Meaning

1. A piece of fabric or material that hangs in front of a window or doorway to block light or provide privacy.

Example: I closed the curtains to keep the sunlight out of my room.

2. A barrier or divider that separates two areas.

Example: The curtain between the stage and the audience was drawn closed.

3. A piece of fabric used to cover or conceal something.

Example: The magician pulled back the curtain to reveal the hidden object.

4. A final act or event that brings a performance or show to a close.

Example: The singer's final song was the curtain call of the night.

5. A layer of cloud or mist that partially or completely obstructs visibility.

Example: The mountain peak was shrouded in a curtain of fog.

Examples of the word curtain used in sentences.

  • The theater curtain rose slowly to reveal the actors on stage.
  • I closed the curtain so I could take a nap without any light disturbing me.
  • My sister likes to hide behind the curtain when we play hide and seek.
  • The sun shining through the window makes the curtain glow in the morning.
  • The curtain is blue and matches the color of the walls in my bedroom.
  • The curtain was drawn, so I couldn't see what was happening on the other side.
  • Be careful not to trip over the curtain that is hanging too low.
  • I need to buy new curtains for my bedroom because the old ones are faded.
  • Can you please close the curtains? The sun is shining right into my eyes.
  • The theater curtain slowly rose, revealing the actors on the stage.
  • Please close the curtain, it's shining directly on my face.
  • I peeked through the curtains and saw the neighbor's cat strolling through our garden.
  • My mother always reminds me to check the size of the curtain before buying, to make sure it fits the window properly.
  • The audience gasped as the heavy velvet curtains opened, revealing the stunning stage design.
  • I love the colorful curtains in my bedroom, they really brighten up the space.
  • The new company policy raised a curtain of suspicion among the employees. (Business and Management)
  • She quickly drew the curtain to block out the glaring sunlight shining into the room. (Home and Interior Design)
  • The velvet curtains in the theater added a touch of elegance to the performance. (Arts and Entertainment)
  • As soon as the countdown ended, the curtain rose and the audience was immediately captivated. (Arts and Entertainment)
  • The curtain of night had fallen, casting a peaceful stillness over the quiet neighborhood. (Nature and Environment)
  • The heavy velvet curtain blocked out the bright sunlight, creating a cool and dimly lit atmosphere in the room.
  • The theatre curtain slowly rose and revealed the breathtaking set design for the opening scene.
  • After the long day at work, all I wanted to do was draw the curtains and relax in my cozy bed.
  • I peeked through the curtain and saw a packed audience eagerly waiting for the performance to start.
  • As soon as the final curtain fell, the audience erupted into thunderous applause and gave the performers a standing ovation.
  • The dark and eerie room was lit only by the flickering of candlelight behind a heavy velvet curtain, casting ominous shadows across the walls.
  • As the sun set over the horizon, the thin veil of opaque curtains transformed the room into a sultry den of shadows.
  • The magician's assistant appeared out of nowhere, pulling back a bright red curtain to reveal a fierce Bengal tiger.
  • The grand ballroom was adorned with opulent curtains that whispered against the polished marble floors.
  • The new therapist recommended her clients try a "curtain call" technique to help ease their anxiety and promote deeper restorative sleep.
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