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Controlled Definition & Meaning

1. Regulated or directed by authority or rules.

Example: The traffic flow was controlled by the traffic lights.

2. Restrained or managed to prevent excess or chaos.

Example: The fire was controlled by the firefighters before it spread to other buildings.

3. Having power or influence over something or someone.

Example: The ceo controlled the company's finances.

4. Calm and composed, showing self-discipline.

Example: She took a deep breath to stay controlled during the stressful meeting.

5. Adjusted or manipulated to achieve a desired outcome.

Example: The scientist controlled the variables in the experiment to ensure accurate results.

Examples of the word controlled used in sentences.

  • The teacher controlled the noisy classroom with a stern look.
  • The engineer closely monitored the machine to ensure it was running under controlled conditions.
  • The doctor advised the patient to stay on a controlled diet for better health.
  • The game was well controlled by the experienced referee to avoid any unfairness.
  • The traffic police officer controlled the heavy flow of cars on the busy road.
  • The traffic lights helped to control the flow of vehicles at the intersection.
  • He had to learn to control his temper after losing the game.
  • The teacher carefully controlled the classroom to make sure everyone was paying attention.
  • The supermarket had a controlled entrance due to COVID-19.
  • The pilot controlled the plane during takeoff and landing.
  • The teacher maintained a controlled classroom environment to ensure effective learning.
  • The driver had to keep a controlled speed on the icy road to prevent any accidents.
  • The athlete's breathing was carefully controlled during the race for optimal performance.
  • The pilot had to make controlled maneuvers to navigate through turbulent weather conditions.
  • The company implemented a controlled budget to manage expenses and maximize profits.
  • The government imposed strict laws to control the use of plastic bags and reduce environmental pollution.
  • The scientist conducted a series of experiments to control the spread of the virus.
  • The coach instructed the team to remain focused and controlled throughout the game.
  • He controlled his emotions and remained calm despite the challenging situation.
  • The pilot carefully controlled the speed of the aircraft during takeoff.
  • The experiment was carefully controlled to ensure accurate results.
  • Despite his anger, he was able to stay controlled and professional during the meeting.
  • The government has implemented new measures to better control the spread of the virus.
  • The pilot skillfully controlled the airplane through turbulent conditions.
  • She struggled to remain controlled while dealing with the difficult situation.
  • The expert negotiator was able to take control of the tense situation and effectively controlled the negotiations to achieve a fair outcome for both parties.
  • The experimental data showed that the new drug effectively controlled the spread of cancer cells in the patient's body.
  • The company implemented strict measures to ensure that its employees' internet usage was controlled and monitored.
  • The air traffic controller skillfully managed the busy runways, ensuring that every plane took off and landed safely.
  • The professional athlete demonstrated remarkable controlled movements as he executed complex gymnastic routines on the parallel bars.
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