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Control Definition & Meaning

1. Control refers to the power or authority to manage or direct something.

Example: The ceo has control over the company's finances.

2. Control can also mean the ability to regulate or manage one's emotions or actions.

Example: She struggled to control her anger when her boss criticized her work.

3. In science and engineering, control is the process of maintaining stability or stability of a system.

Example: The thermostat is used to control the temperature in the room.

4. Control can be used to describe a standard of comparison used to evaluate the results of an experiment.

Example: The control group in the study did not receive the experimental treatment.

5. Control may also refer to a device or mechanism used to operate or adjust a machine or system.

Example: The remote control allows you to change the channel on the tv without getting up.

Examples of the word control used in sentences.

  • The remote control is missing, so I can't change the TV channel.
  • The air traffic controller manages the planes landing and taking off.
  • I must control my temper when my little brother messes up my room.
  • I need to control my spending habits or I'll have no money left at the end of the month.
  • The teacher has full control of the class during the lesson.
  • The teacher has good control over the classroom and the students are well-behaved.
  • I forgot to take my medication this morning, so I don't have good control over my asthma today.
  • It's important to be able to control your emotions in stressful situations.
  • I need to learn how to control my spending if I want to save money.
  • The pilot had to quickly regain control of the airplane during turbulence.
  • You should exercise more to help control your weight and improve your health.
  • It's important to control your emotions during a difficult conversation so that you can communicate effectively.
  • The company implemented new security measures to gain better control over access to their sensitive information.
  • The pilot was able to maintain control of the plane during the turbulence and land safely.
  • It's difficult to resist the temptation of junk food, but you need to exert self-control to maintain a balanced diet.
  • Despite feeling anxious, she managed to maintain control of her breathing.
  • It's important to maintain control of your emotions, especially in a professional setting.
  • The pilot had great control over the plane, even during turbulent weather.
  • He realized too late that he had lost control of the car and crashed into a tree.
  • The government implemented strict measures to control the spread of the virus.
  • It's difficult to control the outcome of a situation when it involves other people's actions.
  • The government's new policies aim to control the spread of the virus.
  • Athletes need to have excellent control over their bodies to perform well.
  • It's essential to maintain control over your emotions during a negotiation.
  • As a CEO, it's important to have control over the company's finances.
  • The political candidate promised to increase border control in order to prevent illegal immigration.
  • In order to achieve success in life, one must learn to control their emotions and impulses.
  • It's important to control the amount of salt and sugar in your diet for better health.
  • The athlete had impressive control over her body, executing the highly technical maneuver flawlessly.
  • As the CEO of the company, he had complete control over its financial decisions.
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