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Chart Definition & Meaning

1. A visual representation of data or information, often in the form of a graph or table.

Example: The sales chart showed a steady increase in revenue over the past year.

2. A navigational map or diagram used by pilots or sailors.

Example: The captain consulted the nautical chart to plot the course of the ship.

3. A musical score or arrangement of a song.

Example: The band members studied the chart to prepare for their performance.

4. A list or table of information, such as medical records or financial transactions.

Example: The doctor reviewed the patient's chart before making a diagnosis.

5. A plan or strategy for achieving a goal.

Example: The team developed a chart to outline their approach to the project.

Examples of the word chart used in sentences.

  • My boss asked me to create a chart to show the company's profits and losses for the year.
  • I had trouble understanding the chart for the train schedule, so I asked for help.
  • I like to use a chart to keep track of my daily water intake.
  • The teacher showed us a chart of the alphabet to help us learn how to read.
  • The chart in the doctor's office showed how much weight I have gained over the last year.
  • The organizational chart outlines the hierarchy of the company.
  • We used a chart to track our progress in the project.
  • The pie chart shows the percentage of people who voted for each candidate.
  • The weather chart predicts sunny skies for the weekend.
  • The growth chart showed that my daughter had gained five inches in the last year.
  • In order to analyze the company's financial performance, we need to create a bar chart of the revenue and expenses.
  • The pie chart shows that the majority of our customers are between the ages of 25-45.
  • Can you help me fill out this chart with the sales data for the month of June?
  • According to the chart, the price of oil has been steadily increasing over the past year.
  • The organization used a flow chart to map out the project timeline and identify potential obstacles.
  • The organization chart outlines the hierarchy and structure of the company.
  • The chart clearly illustrates the increase in crime rates over the past decade.
  • The birth rate chart shows a decline in the number of births in the country.
  • The sales chart displays a significant increase in revenue in the last quarter.
  • The weather chart predicts a rise in temperature in the coming days.
  • The line chart depicts the progress of the company's revenue over the last quarter.
  • The medical chart indicated that the patient had a history of heart disease.
  • According to the pie chart, the majority of the participants preferred coffee over tea.
  • The organizational chart clearly outlines the hierarchical structure of the department.
  • Using the flow chart, we were able to identify the bottlenecks in the production process.
  • The stock chart shows a significant increase in company profits over the last quarter.
  • The astrological chart revealed that the alignment of the planets may bring significant changes to your career.
  • The organization used a chart to track the progress of its members towards their fitness goals.
  • The chart exhibits a clear correlation between education level and income.
  • The weather chart predicts a high chance of rainfall this weekend.
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