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Calm Definition & Meaning

1. Calm (adj.): free from agitation or disturbance; peaceful.

Example: The lake was calm as the sun set behind the mountains.

2. Calm (n.): a state of tranquility or serenity.

Example: She took a deep breath and tried to find her calm before the big presentation.

3. Calm (v.): to make or become tranquil or serene.

Example: The therapist's soothing voice helped calm the patient's anxiety.

4. Calm (adj.): not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.

Example: Despite the chaos around her, she remained calm and collected.

5. Calm (n.): a period of quiet or stillness in a storm or rough sea.

Example: The sailors waited for the calm to pass before continuing their journey.

Examples of the word calm used in sentences.

  • Please calm down, everything is going to be okay.
  • He took a deep breath to calm his nerves before the job interview.
  • She has a calm personality and is always patient.
  • The ocean looks calm today.
  • I feel calm when I listen to music.
  • The sound of the ocean waves helped him to feel more calm and relaxed.
  • After a busy day at work, she took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves.
  • It's important to remain calm and focused during an emergency situation.
  • Despite the traffic, she remained calm during her daily commute.
  • The yoga class helped me to feel more calm and centered.
  • The best way to deal with stressful situations is to take deep breaths and try to stay calm.
  • Despite the chaos of the city, she always managed to remain calm and composed.
  • After a long day at work, he decided to take a calming walk along the beach.
  • He found that practicing mindfulness meditation helped him achieve a greater sense of calm and inner peace.
  • Even though she was running late, she remained calm and focused while driving in heavy traffic.
  • The captain's calm demeanor during the storm reassured the passengers that everything would be alright.
  • The tranquil scenery of the beach helped him feel calm and relaxed after a long and hectic day at work.
  • The counselor's soothing voice helped the anxious student become calm before the big test.
  • After practicing meditation for months, he learned how to maintain a state of inner calm even in stressful situations.
  • Despite the chaos and noise around her, she remained calm and focused on her work.
  • The ocean breeze and the sound of waves crashing against the shore had a calming effect on her, easing her troubled thoughts.
  • In times of crisis, it's important to stay calm and level-headed in order to make rational decisions and take decisive action.
  • The therapist's soothing voice and words helped her to achieve a state of calm and relaxation during the meditation session.
  • Despite the chaos around her, she remained calm and collected, unfazed by the commotion.
  • He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm his nerves before the big interview.
  • As the storm raged outside, the elderly couple calmly sat by the fireplace, enjoying each other's company without a care in the world.
  • The coach's calm and collected attitude on the sidelines helped to reassure the team and boost their confidence during a tough game.
  • The serene and peaceful surroundings of the mountain retreat provided the perfect setting for a weekend of relaxation and calm contemplation.
  • Despite the heated debate, the moderator managed to maintain a calm and impartial demeanor throughout the entire discussion.
  • In the face of overwhelming chaos and uncertainty, the leader remained calm and resolute, inspiring the team to push forward and achieve their goals.
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