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Buy Definition & Meaning

1. To purchase something in exchange for money or other valuable consideration.

Example: I am going to buy a new dress for the party tonight.

2. To acquire or obtain something in exchange for a price.

Example: I want to buy a house in the city center.

3. To accept or believe in something, often without evidence or proof.

Example: I don't buy the idea that aliens exist.

4. To bribe or influence someone in order to gain their support or favor.

Example: The politician tried to buy the votes of the people by offering them money.

5. To redeem or pay off a debt or obligation.

Example: I need to buy back my car from the pawnshop before it gets sold.

Examples of the word buy used in sentences.

  • Can you buy me a bottle of water please?
  • They are going to buy a gift for their friend's birthday party.
  • I want to buy a new book to read.
  • She always buys fresh fruits and vegetables from the market.
  • He is going to buy a new car next month.
  • The company plans to buy more equipment to expand its production capacity.
  • He decided to buy a new laptop to replace his old one.
  • I want to buy a new dress for the party tonight.
  • Did you buy the tickets for the movie we wanted to watch?
  • It's always better to buy fresh vegetables from the market.
  • I need to buy some groceries for dinner tonight.
  • She decided to buy a new laptop for her online classes.
  • I'm not sure if I should buy this book, I might not have enough time to read it.
  • He always buys expensive clothes to show off his wealth.
  • My family and I are planning to buy a new car next month.
  • Can you buy some milk on the way back from work, please?
  • My friend decided to buy a new car after saving for years.
  • Yesterday, I bought a book about quantum physics, hoping to understand it better.
  • I always buy organic vegetables, as they are healthier and more environmentally-friendly.
  • I'm planning to buy a new laptop this week, as I need it for my work.
  • In order to prepare for my upcoming trip, I need to buy a new suitcase and some travel essentials.
  • My boss advised me to buy some books on leadership and self-management to improve my skills.
  • I decided to buy a new bike so I can start cycling to work instead of driving.
  • As a collector of antique furniture, I'm always on the lookout to buy unique and rare pieces.
  • It's important to buy fresh, organic produce if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Due to the current pandemic situation, it's becoming harder to buy basic necessities such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
  • In order to save some money, he tends to buy his clothes from thrift stores.
  • Despite her financial status, she decided to buy that luxurious car she always dreamed of.
  • I'm going to buy some flowers for my mother's birthday as a token of appreciation for all the love and care she's given me.
  • The company's CEO always makes wise decisions when it comes to buying other businesses.
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