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Budget Definition & Meaning

1. A financial plan that outlines expected income and expenses for a specific period of time.

Example: I need to create a budget to make sure i can afford my monthly bills and still save money.

2. The amount of money allocated for a particular purpose.

Example: Our budget for the office party is $



4. A limit on spending.

Example: I have to budget my grocery shopping so i don't overspend.

5. A statement of the financial position of a government, organization or individual.

Example: The company's budget shows a surplus of $10,000 this quarter.

6. To plan or allocate funds for a specific purpose.

Example: We need to budget for a new computer system next year.

Examples of the word budget used in sentences.

  • It's important to create a budget if you want to save money for a down payment on a house.
  • I need to stick to my budget and not spend too much on clothes.
  • My budget for groceries this week is only $50.
  • We are planning a trip to Europe, but we need to figure out our budget first.
  • I can't afford to go out to eat tonight because I am on a tight budget.
  • It's important to stick to your budget when shopping for clothes.
  • Our budget for groceries this week is $50.
  • We're on a tight budget, so we're going to have a staycation instead of going on vacation.
  • We need to create a budget for our home renovation project.
  • I can't afford to eat out often, it's not in my budget.
  • Due to budget constraints, we had to scale back our plans for the company retreat this year.
  • I'm considering a few different budget-friendly options for redecorating my living room.
  • My parents always urge me to budget wisely so I can avoid debt and build savings.
  • Our company's budget cuts have resulted in layoffs and reduced benefits for employees.
  • I have to stick to a strict budget this month to save for my upcoming vacation.
  • We have a limited budget for our vacation this year.
  • I am on a tight budget, so I can't afford that expensive dress.
  • Can we find a restaurant that fits my budget?
  • I need to make a budget for my monthly expenses.
  • Let's create a budget plan for our future goals.
  • My family and I are planning a trip next month, we need to start preparing a budget for it.
  • I can't afford to buy that new phone, it's way too expensive for my budget.
  • The government announced an increase in the education budget to improve schools in the region.
  • We had to cut back on expenses this month to stay within our household budget.
  • I always make sure to stick to my weekly food budget when grocery shopping.
  • My monthly budget includes expenses for rent, groceries, and transportation.
  • The government is planning to cut funding for education in order to meet their budget goals.
  • It's important to stick to a budget when planning a wedding to avoid overspending.
  • If we want to afford our dream home, we will need to create a long-term budget plan.
  • We decided to go on a road trip this summer to save on our travel budget.
  • Despite the limited budget, the team was able to deliver a high-quality product.
  • Managing a household budget requires discipline and careful planning.
  • We had to revise our vacation plans as our budget didn't allow for a fancy hotel stay.
  • It's important to stick to your budget when going grocery shopping to avoid overspending.
  • The CEO recommended cutting down on expenses to balance the company's budget.
  • With the company's limited budget, the marketing team had to brainstorm creative and cost-efficient ways to promote their product.
  • The government announced a new budget plan aimed at improving infrastructure and stimulating economic growth.
  • The non-profit organization had to decide how to allocate their limited budget to various charitable causes in order to have the greatest impact.
  • Despite sticking to a strict budget, the couple was still able to enjoy a luxurious vacation in Europe.
  • As a college student living on a tight budget, Sarah learned to cook meals at home instead of eating out every day.
  • The company's budget cuts have led to decreased employee morale and increased turnover rates.
  • The government's budget for education has been increasing each year, reflecting their commitment to providing quality education.
  • In order to stick to their budget, the couple decided to skip the expensive restaurant and have a home-cooked meal instead.
  • Despite his significant budget, the businessman was unable to secure the desired outcome in the project.
  • The school's budget constraints forced them to reduce the number of extracurricular activities offered to students.
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