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Brief Definition & Meaning

1. Brief (adj.): short in duration or length.

Example: The meeting was brief, lasting only 15 minutes.

2. Brief (noun): a written or oral summary of information.

Example: The lawyer presented a brief to the judge outlining their case.

3. Brief (verb): to give someone instructions or information in a concise manner.

Example: Can you brief me on the new project before the meeting?

4. Brief (adj.): concise and to the point.

Example: The speaker gave a brief and informative presentation on the topic.

5. Brief (noun): a type of men's underwear that is short and tight-fitting.

Example: He prefers to wear briefs instead of boxers.

Examples of the word brief used in sentences.

  • I need to write a brief report on my work activities this week.
  • The teacher gave us a brief explanation of the math problem.
  • Can you give me a brief summary of the movie you watched last night?
  • The weather forecast gave a brief warning of a possible storm.
  • Please be brief in your response, I don't have much time.
  • The weather report on the news was brief, but it said that it would rain tomorrow.
  • The hotel receptionist gave us a brief rundown of the city's main attractions when we checked in.
  • My boss gave me a brief report on the project's progress during our meeting today.
  • Can you give me a brief explanation of how to use this computer program?
  • I only had a brief conversation with my neighbor in the hallway this morning.
  • The professor asked us to write a brief analysis of the article we read for class.
  • The weather report warned of a brief thunderstorm this afternoon.
  • Could you give us a brief summary of your presentation for those who missed it?
  • I received a brief email from my boss congratulating me on my recent project.
  • I'll be brief with my explanation, as I know you're short on time.
  • Can you give me a brief explanation of how to use this software?
  • The doctor gave me a brief summary of the test results before prescribing medication.
  • I received a brief message from my friend, saying she will be late for our lunch date.
  • My boss asked me to write a brief report on the progress of the project.
  • Please keep the meeting brief as I have another appointment afterwards.
  • He gave a brief speech before introducing the guest speaker.
  • I had a brief conversation with my neighbor this morning.
  • Can you give me a brief summary of the meeting?
  • The instructions were brief and easy to follow.
  • Please be brief with your explanation so we can move on to the next agenda item.
  • Can you please give me a brief summary of the book you just read?
  • The meeting was brief but productive, we accomplished everything we needed to discuss.
  • The weather forecast showed brief periods of rain throughout the day.
  • I'll just give you a brief explanation of the situation so that you'll understand it better.
  • The teacher gave us a brief introduction to the topic before starting the lesson.
  • The museum offered a brief glimpse into the life and works of the famous artist.
  • I'm sorry, I can only give you a brief response at the moment as I'm in the middle of something.
  • In brief, the company's financial status is stable despite recent challenges.
  • Could you please provide a brief summary of the key points from the meeting?
  • The weather forecast was brief, but it did indicate a chance of rain later in the day.
  • Despite the brief meeting, their brief encounter left a lasting impression on each other.
  • The brief moment of silence was interrupted by a burst of laughter from the group of friends.
  • The briefing session was brief in length but extensive in detail, covering all aspects of the project.
  • In brief, the study's findings suggest that the current policies are not effective in combating climate change.
  • She was known for her ability to give a succinct and compelling brief of even the most complex issues.
  • The President's briefing on national security left many wondering about the country's future.
  • Brief as it was, the moment felt magical and unforgettable.
  • Despite the brief encounter, her gaze left an indelible mark on his heart.
  • The team had only a brief window of opportunity to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
  • The author's brief but poignant words left the audience in tears and deeply moved.
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